[R] HowTo get callback on destroy of grDevices::windows()

rrichte2 at fh-lausitz.de rrichte2 at fh-lausitz.de
Mon Jul 26 21:09:37 CEST 2010

  I'm build with the usage of the tcltk/tcltk2 package a gui which is 
started with rscript.exe. At this gui the user is able to open and close 
plot windows.

Now I'm looking for a way that a r function is called when a 
grDevices::windows window is closed.
Is there a way to attach a callback function or so, which would be 
triggert if the user click at close of the grDevices::window?

My workarround is to check continues the open windows with the tcl 
command after, but it's no good workarround.


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