[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

Crantastic cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 01:40:13 CEST 2010

CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

New packages

* evaluate (0.1)
  Hadley Wickham

  Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the command
  line behaviour of R.

* multitaper (0.1-1)
  Karim Rahim


* operator.tools (1.0.0)
  Christopher Brown

  Utilities for working with R's operators

* pglm (0.1-0)
  Yves Croissant

  Estimation of panel models for glm-like models: this includes binomial
  models (logit and probit) count models (poisson and negbin) and
  ordered models (logit and probit)

* rvgtest (0.5.0)
  Josef Leydold

  Test suite for non-uniform pseudo-random number generators.

* sigclust (1.0.0)
  Hanwen Huang

  SigClust is a statistical method for testing the significance of
  clustering results. SigClust can be applied to assess the
  statistical significance of splitting a data set into two clusters.
  For more than two clusters, SigClust can be used iteratively.

* SII (1.0.0)
  Gregory R. Warnes

  This package calculates ANSI S3.5-1997 Speech Intelligibility Index
  (SII), a standard method for computing the intelligibility of speech
  from acoustical measurements of speech, noise, and hearing
  thresholds. This package includes data frames corresponding to
  Tables 1 - 4 in the ANSI standard as well as a function utilizing
  these tables and user-provided hearing threshold and noise level
  measurements to compute the SII score.  The methods implemented here
  extend the standard computations to allow calculation of SII when
  the measured frequencies do not match those required by the standard
  by applying interpolation to obtain values for the required
  frequencies -- Development of this package was funded by the Center
  for Bioscience Education and Technology (CBET) of the Rochester
  Institute of Technology (RIT).

* someMTP (1.0)

  It is a collection of functions for Multiplicty Correction and
  Multiple Testing.

Updated packages

actuar (1.1-1), AnalyzeFMRI (1.1-12), aqp (0.90), asbio (0.3-12), BAS
(0.90), bibtex (0.2-1), bigtabulate (1.0.13), binGroup (1.0-6), caret
(4.44), CHNOSZ (0.9-1), cmaes (1.0-9), COZIGAM (2.0-3), cxxPack
(7.0.6), dcemriS4 (0.32), distrMod (2.2.2), DoseFinding (0.2-2), DOSim
(1.2), dplR (1.3.6), dti (0.9-2.1), dynaTree (1.0-1), epiR (0.9-26),
ergm (2.2-5), eVenn (1.21), FAMT (2.1), flashClust (1.00-2), forensim
(1.1-7), GEOmap (1.5-8), gridExtra (0.6.5), hergm (1.2-6), hmm.discnp
(0.1-3), hts (1.2), HWEintrinsic (1.1), JM (0.6-2), lqa (1.0-3),
mclust (3.4.5), MCPMod (1.0-7), memisc (0.95-31), miniGUI (0.7.0),
minqa (1.1.9), mixsmsn (0.2-5), mlogit (0.1-8), mokken (2.4), mondate
(0.9.6), MplusAutomation (0.3-3), mra (2.6), np (0.40-3), ordinal
(2010.07-06), pamctdp (0.1.5), pcaPP (1.8-2), pgirmess (1.4.7),
phylobase (0.6.0), picante (1.2-0), plm (1.2-5), plspm (0.1-7), plyr
(1.1), PolynomF (0.94), PowerTOST (0.6-2), psych (1.0-90), PtProcess
(3.2-5), R.filesets (0.8.3), r4ss (1.07), raster (1.3-1), rattle
(2.5.36), rbugs (0.4-4), Rcgmin (0.8), RFLPtools (1.3), rgdal
(0.6-28), RMySQL (0.7-5), RpgSQL (0.1-3.1), rredis (1.4), RSEIS
(2.4-1), RSQLite (0.9-2), Rvmmin (0.95), rwm (1.49), saws (0.9-3.3),
SensoMineR (1.11), simPopulation (0.1.3), soil.spec (1.4), sp
(0.9-66), sparr (0.2-1), spdep (0.5-16), spgrass6 (0.6-19),
stratigraph (0.62), SV (1.3.0), TeachingSampling (1.7.9), tgp (2.3-4),
traitr (0.9), TripleR (0.4), vegdata (0.1.8), x12 (0.0-7), xlsx
(0.2.2), YieldCurve (3.0)

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