[R] decimal seperator
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri Jul 23 17:58:22 CEST 2010
On Jul 23, 2010, at 11:32 AM, Jennifer Sabatier wrote:
> Hi R-List,
> I have a question regarding R-language formats, I think. I am
> producing a
> series of graphs (using plot, barplot, barchart, and bwplot, using
> either
> text or mtext to place values on the graphs) and tables for a
> Francophone
> country. In fact, I have already done so. However, while they are
> pleased
> with the results they've requested I convert all of my decimal
> points into
> the French format which uses commas rather than points.
OutDec: character string containing a single-byte character. The
character to be used as the decimal point in output conversions, that
is in printing, plotting and as.character but not deparsing.
> I have no idea how
> to do this for the graphs, despite searching the help, other than to
> convert
> all of my statistics into strings and manually reset the decimal
> separators,
> which would take a long time. Is there some quick and easy way?
> It's only
> the graphs I need assistance with. For tables I simply output to
> excel and
> it's easy to change them there.
> Here's an example (I'm sure it's crude but I'm still new at R. To
> make the
> graph look right you have to expand the java window...which I'm sure
> you
> don't need to do if you know how to do this in a more elegant manner):
> sites <- c("Kayes", "Kita", "Koulikoro", "Fana", "Sikasso",
> "Koutiala",
> "SgFam", "SgHop", "Bla", "Mopti", "Douentz", "Tombc",
> "Dire
> ","Gao
> ","Ansongo","Kidal","Tessalit","BkoCommI","BkoCommIII","BkoCommV")
> size <-
> list
> (2.91,2.36,5.09,3.21,2.27,4.09,2.31,2.76,1.2,2.03,3.06,0.53,1.43,1.83,1,0.93,0,4.01,4.13,3.47
> )
> site_size <- data.frame(cbind(sites, size))
> newdata <- (sapply(subset(site_size, select=c("size")), as.numeric))
> rownames(newdata) <- site_size$sites
> library(grid)
> plot(newdata, ylab =" ", xlab= " " , axes = FALSE)#, type="h", lwd=16)
> points(newdata, cex = 10, col = topo.colors(20), bg=topo.colors(20),
> pch=22)
> lines(newdata, type="h", lwd=40, col=topo.colors(20))
> axis(1, at=seq(1, 20, by=1), labels = FALSE)
> text(seq(1, 20, by=1), par("usr")[3] - 0.2, labels = site2_labels,
> srt = 45,
> pos = 1, xpd = TRUE)
> reg.txt <- as.character(c(" Kayes
> Koulikoro
> Sikasso
> Segou Mopti
> Tombouctou Gao
> Kidal
> Bamako"))
> mtext(paste(reg.txt), side=3, font=4, cex=1, adj=0)#, outer=T)
> text(0, 5.35, "Region:", cex = 1, font=4, xpd=T)
> text(0, -.5, "Sites:", cex=1.2, font=1, xpd=T)
> abline(v=c(2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 9.5, 11.5, 13.5, 15.5, 17.5))
> axis(2, at=3, labels = FALSE)
> mtext(paste("VIH Prevalence (%)"), side=2, font=2, cex=1.2)
> text(1,3, labels=newdata[1], col="white", cex=1.5);text(2,2.45,
> labels=newdata[2], col="white", cex=1.5)
> text(3,5.2, labels=newdata[3], col="white", cex=1.5);text(4,3.27,
> labels=newdata[4], col="white", cex=1.5)
> text(5,2.35, labels=newdata[5], col="white", cex=1.5);text(6,4.2,
> labels=newdata[6], col="white", cex=1.5)
> text(7,2.36, labels=newdata[7], col="black", cex=1.5);text(8,2.85,
> labels=newdata[8], col="black", cex=1.5)
> text(9,1.28, labels=newdata[9], col="black", cex=1.5);text(10,2.1,
> labels=newdata[10], col="black", cex=1.5)
> text(11,3.13, labels=newdata[11], col="black", cex=1.5);text(12,.6,
> labels=newdata[12], col="black", cex=1.5)
> text(13,1.48, labels=newdata[13], col="black", cex=1.5);text(14,1.9,
> labels=newdata[14], col="black", cex=1.5)
> text(15,1.05, labels=newdata[15], col="black", cex=1.5);text(16,1,
> labels=newdata[16], col="black", cex=1.5)
> text(17,.1, labels=newdata[17], col="black", cex=1.5);text(18,4.1,
> labels=newdata[18], col="black", cex=1.5)
> text(19,4.2, labels=newdata[19], col="black", cex=1.5);text(20,3.55,
> labels=newdata[20], col="black", cex=1.5)
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT
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