[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

Crantastic cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 01:40:20 CEST 2010

CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

New packages

* allan (1.0)
  Alan Lee

  Automates Large Linear Analysis Model Fitting

* andrews (1.0)
  Jaroslav Myslivec

  Andrews curves for visualization of multidimensional data

* anesrake (0.3)
  Josh Pasek

  This package provides a comprehensive system for selecting variables
  and weighting data to match the specifications of the American
  National Election Studies.  The package includes methods for
  identifying discrepant variables, raking data, and assessing the
  effects of the raking algorithm.  It also allows automated re-raking
  if target variables fall outside identified bounds and allows
  greater user specification than other available raking algorithms.

* aqp (0.88)
  Dylan Beaudette

  R package for working with and plotting soil profile data.

* aroma.cn (0.5.0)
  Henrik Bengtsson

  Package for analysis of copy-number estimates obtained from various

* benchmark (0.3)
  Manuel J. A. Eugster

  The benchmark package provides a toolbox for setup, execution and
  analysis of benchmark experiments. Main focus is the analysis of
  data accumulating during the execution -- one primary objective is
  the statistical correct computation of the candidate algorithms'

* biganalytics (1.0.14)
  Jay and Mike

  This package extends the bigmemory package with various analytics.
  Functions bigkmeans and binit may also be used with native R
  objects. For tapply-like functions, the bigtabulate package may also
  be helpful. For linear algebra support, see bigalgebra.  For mutex
  (locking) support for advanced shared-memory usage, see

* bigtabulate (1.0.11)
  Jay and Mike

  This package extends the bigmemory package with table- and split-like
  support for big.matrix objects.  The functions may also be used with
  regular R matrices for improving speed and memory-efficiency.

* bild (1.0)
  M. Helena Gonçalves

  bild performs logistic regression for binary longitudinal data,
  allowing for serial dependence among observations from a given
  individual and a random intercept term. Estimation is via
  maximization of the exact likelihood of a suitably defined model.
  Missing values and unbalanced data are allowed, with some

* bisoreg (1.0)
  S. McKay Curtis

  Bayesian monotonic regression function

* catR (1.0)
  David Magis

  The catR package allows the generation of response patterns under
  computerized adaptive testing (CAT) framework, with the choice of
  several starting rules, stopping rules and ability estimators.

* cmaes (1.0-8)
  Olaf Mersmann

  Single objective optimization using a CMA-ES.

* CompRandFld (0.1)
  Simone Padoan

  The aim of this package is to collect a set of procedures for the
  analysis of Random Fields by Composite Likelihood methods. Spatial
  analysis often involves dealing with large dataset. Therefore even
  simple studies may be too computationally demanding. Composite
  likelihood based methods are emerging as useful tools for mitigating
  such computational problems and show satisfactory results when
  compared with other techniques such as, for example the tapering
  method. Moreover, composite likelihood (and related quantities) have
  some good properties similar to those of the standard likelihood.

* cxxPack (7.0.5)
  Dominick Samperi

  Builds on the Rcpp package/library by providing an application layer
  library on the C++ side that includes models of fundamental R data
  structures like data frames and time series. Includes an extensible
  collection of tools like special functions and a financial date
  library. Extends Sweave by permitting vignettes (or research
  compendium docs) to include C++ code chunks. This package/library
  might be used to develop R and C++ solutions in parallel, to speed
  the transition from experimental R code to production C++ code, or
  to develop rich research compendium documents following literate
  statistical practice that have embedded R and C++ code chunks. There
  is a package vignette that provides many examples.

* delftfews (0.1-0)
  Mario Frasca

  a collection of timeseries sets handling functions used here at work
  (Nelen en Schuurmans), initially for the Lizard Scripter.

* dicionariosIBGE (1.1)
  Erick Fonseca

  This package contains dictionaries for reading microdata from IBGE
  (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) surveys PNAD, PME
  and POF.

* distory (1.4)
  John Chakerian

  Geodesic distance between phylogenetic trees and associated functions.

* doRedis (1.0.0)
  B. W. Lewis

  A Redis parallel backend for the %dopar% function

* dynaTree (1.0)
  Robert B. Gramacy

  Inference by sequential Monte Carlo for dynamic tree regression and
  classification models by particle learning (PL), with hooks provided
  for sequential design and optimization. Illustrative examples from
  the seminal dynamic trees paper are facilitated by demos in the
  package; see demo(package="dynaTree")

* emoa (0.3-9)
  Olaf Mersmann

  Collection of building blocks for the design and analysis of
  evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms.

* eVenn (1.01)
  Nicolas Cagnard

  Compute a matrix combination of lists (from 2 to infinite) and plot
  the results in a Venn diagram if (N<=4). It is possible to produce a
  complete annotated file, merging the annotations of the compared

* expm (0.98-1)
  Martin Maechler

  Simple package for computation of the matrix exponential and related

* fCertificates (0.5-2)
  Stefan Wilhelm

  Collection of pricing by duplication methods for popular structured
  products ("Zertifikate")

* fdth (1.1-2)
  Jose Claudio Faria

  Perform frequency distribution tables, associated histograms and
  poligons from vector, data.frame and matrix objects.

* fwdmsa (0.1)
  Wobbe P. Zijlstra

  fwdmsa performs the Forward Search for Mokken scale analysis. It
  detects outliers, it produces several types of diagnostic plots.

* gamlss.demo (4.0-3)
  Mikis Stasinopoulos

  Demos for gamlss.family distributions.

* genoPlotR (0.5)
  Lionel Guy

  genoPlotR draws gene or genome maps and comparisons between these, in
  a publication-grade manner. Starting from simple, common files, it
  will draw postscript or pdf files that can be sent as such to

* geofd (0.4.5)
  Andres Perez

  Prediction for function value spatial data using kriging based methods

* geophys (1.0-7)
  Jonathan M. Lees

  Geophysics, Continuum Mechanics, Mogi Model

* gridExtra (0.6)

  misc. functions

* gsc (0.1.0)
  Charlotte Maia

  A package for smoothing with shape constraints. This package is

* hda (0.1-8)
  Gero Szepannek

  Functions to perform dimensionality reduction for classification if
  the covariance matrices of the classes are unequal.

* hotspots (1.0.1)
  Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi

  Calculates a hot spot cutoff and associated analyses for statistical

* iCluster (1.2.0)
  Ronglai Shen

  Integrative clustering of multiple genomic data types using a joint
  latent variable model with application to breast and lung cancer
  subtype analysis.

* kinfit (1.0)
  Johannes Ranke

  Simple calculation routines based on the FOCUS Kinetics Report (2006)

* kml3d (0.1)
  Christophe M. Genolini

  KmL3D is an implementation of k-means specificaly design to deal with
  joint longitudinal data (longitudinal data on several variable). It
  provide facilities to deal with missing value and propose a
  graphical interphace for chosing the correct number of clusters.

* laeken (0.1.1)
  Andreas Alfons

  Calculate Laeken indicators for measuring social cohesion and apply
  Pareto tail modeling to empirical income distributions (including
  graphical tools).

* lavaan (0.3-1)
  Yves Rosseel

  Fit a variety of latent variable models, including confirmatory factor
  analysis, structural equation modeling and latent growth curve

* lcmm (1.0)

  This package provides functions for the estimation of latent class
  mixed models using a maximum likelihood method

* leiv (1.0-1)
  David Leonard

  Estimate the slope and intercept of a bivariate linear relationship by
  calculating a posterior density that is invariant to interchange and
  scaling of the coordinates.

* limitplot (1.0)
  Omar E. Olmedo

  Values below a specified limit of detection are stacked in rows in
  order to reduce overplotting and create a clear graphical
  representation of your data.

* list (1.0)
  Graeme Blair

  list is a publicly available R package that allows researchers to
  conduct a multivariate statistical analysis for the item count
  technique.  This survey methodology is also known as the list
  experiment or the unmatched count technique is an alternative to the
  commonly used randomized response method.  The package implements
  the methods described in Imai (2010).

* lossDev (0.9.3)
  Christopher W. Laws

  Loss Development for Insurance Triangles

* lqa (1.0-2)
  Jan Ulbricht

  This package provides some basic infrastructure and tools to fit
  Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) via penalized likelihood inference.
  Estimating procedures already implemented are the LQA algorithm
  (that is where its name come from), P-IRLS, RidgeBoost, GBlockBoost
  and ForwardBoost.

* magnets (0.1)
  Hai Qian

  Given positions and other properties of a series of micro-magnet
  spins, we can simulate the evolution of the system under the
  influence of external field or fixed external magnets.

* mclogit (0.2-2)
  Martin Elff

  This packages provides a function to estimate parameters for the mixed
  conditional logit model, or conditional logit with random effects.
  The current implementation is limited to random intercepts and to
  the PQL technique, mainly appropriate for large clusters.

* mcmcplots (0.1)
  S. McKay Curtis

  MCMC plots

* micEconCES (0.6-6)
  Arne Henningsen

  Tools for economic analysis and economic modelling with a Constant
  Elasticity of Scale (CES) function

* micEconSNQP (0.6-2)
  Arne Henningsen

  Production analysis with the Symmetric Normalized Quadratic (SNQ)
  profit function

* migui (0.00-08)
  Yu-Sung Su

  Graphical User Interface of the mi Package

* missMDA (1.0)
  Francois Husson

  Imputation of incomplete continuous or categorical datasets; Missing
  values are imputed with a principal component analysis (PCA) or a
  multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) model; Perform multiple
  imputation with and in PCA

* mixsmsn (0.2-3)
  Marcos Prates

  Functions to fit finite mixture of scale mixture of skew-normal
  (FM-SMSN) distributions.

* mkin (0.7-6)
  Johannes Ranke

  Calculation routines based on the FOCUS Kinetics Report (2006).
  Includes a function for conveniently defining differential equation
  models, choice of the optimisation methods made available by the FME
  package (default is a Levenberg-Marquardt variant).

* mlogitBMA (0.1-2)
  Hana Sevcikova

  Provides a modified function bic.glm of the BMA package that can be
  applied to multinomial logit (MNL) data. The data is converted to
  binary logit using the Begg & Gray approximation. The package also
  contains functions for maximum likelihood estimation of MNL.

* mmap (0.5-5)
  Jeffrey A. Ryan

  R interface to POSIX mmap

* MMST (0.6-1)
  Keith Halbert

  The datasets from Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques by Alan
  Julian Izenman are contained in this package.  The documentation
  descriptions show the page numbers of references to the data set
  within the text.  See the text for detailed descriptions of the
  datasets.  Also included in this package is a function for exporting
  these datasets en masse.

* MOCCA (1.0)
  Hans Kestler

  This package provides methods to analyze cluster alternatives based on
  multi-objective optimization of cluster validation indices.

* mondate (
  Dan Murphy

  Keep track of dates in month units. Perform date arithmetic in
  "months" (default), "years", and "days". Enable dates to have
  "shape" (non NULL dim).

* monmlp (1.0)
  Alex J. Cannon

  Multi-layer perceptron neural network with partial monotonicity

* mugnet (0.08.1)
  Nikolay Balov

  A package that models continuous multivariate data via directional
  acyclic graphs and provides inference based on the frequentist

* multisensi (1.0-3)
  Herve MONOD

  An R library for performing sensitivity analysis on a model with
  multivariate output

* munfold (0.2)
  Martin Elff

  This package provides Schoenemans algorithm for metric
  multidimensional unfolding and Procrustes rotation of unfolding

* mvngGrAd (0.1.0)

  Package for moving grid adjustment in plant breeding field trials.

* nacopula (0.4-2)
  Martin Maechler

  An R package for nested Archimedean copulas, providing a procedure for
  computing function values, characteristics such as Kendall's tau and
  tail dependence coefficients, as well as sampling algorithms for
  generating random variates.

* NCBI2R (1.3)
  Scott Melville

  NCBI2R is a R package that annotates lists of SNPs and/or genes, with
  current information from NCBI, including LD information. Functions
  are provided that with one command will provide annotation of the
  results from genome wide association studies to provide a broader
  context of their meaning. Other functions enable comparisons between
  a user's GWA results, and candidate snp/gene lists that are created
  from keywords, such as specific diseases, phenotypes or gene
  ontology terms. Commands are simple to follow and designed to work
  with R objects to integrate into existing workflows. The output
  produces text fields and weblinks to more information for items such
  as: gene descriptions, nucleotide positions, OMIM, pathways,
  phenotypes, and lists of interacting and neighboring genes.
  Annotation can then be used in R for further analysis, or the
  objects can be customized for use in spreadsheet programs or web
  browsers. The NCBI2R package was designed to allow those performing
  genome analysis to produce output that could easily be understood by
  a person not familiar with R. Please see
  http://drop.io/NCBI2R_package for more information. The internet is
  required for almost all of these functions.

* neldermead (1.0-3)
  Sebastien Bihorel

  Provides several direct search optimization algorithms based on the
  simplex method. The provided algorithms are direct search
  algorithms, i.e. algorithms which do not use the derivative of the
  cost function. They are based on the update of a simplex. The
  following algorithms are available: the fixed shape simplex method
  of Spendley, Hext and Himsworth (unconstrained optimization with a
  fixed shape simplex), the variable shape simplex method of Nelder
  and Mead (unconstrained optimization with a variable shape simplex
  made), and Box's complex method (constrained optimization with a
  variable shape simplex).

* nga (1.0)
  James Kaklamanos

  This package implements the earthquake ground motion prediction
  equations developed as part of the Next Generation Attenuation of
  Ground Motions (NGA) project coordinated by the Pacific Earthquake
  Engineering Research Center (PEER) in 2008. The models implemented
  in this package are AS08 (Abrahamson & Silva, 2008), BA08 (Boore &
  Atkinson, 2008), CB08 (Campbell & Bozorgnia, 2008), and CY08 (Chiou
  & Youngs, 2008).  This numerical implementation has been validated
  by comparing the results for 128,000 test cases against the results
  obtained using the Fortran implementation composed by David M. Boore
  and Kenneth W. Campbell.

* nlADG (0.1-0)
  Gruber, Lutz F.

  Regression in the Normal Linear ADG Model

* nonparaeff (0.5-1)
  Dong-hyun Oh

  This package contains functions for measuring efficiency and
  productivity of decision making units (DMUs) under the framework of
  Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and its variations.

* nppbib (0.6-0)
  David Allingham

  Implements a nonparametric statistical test for rank or score data
  from partially-balanced incomplete block-design experiments.

* npRmpi (0.40-2)
  Jeffrey S. Racine

  This package provides a variety of nonparametric (and semiparametric)
  kernel methods that seamlessly handle a mix of continuous,
  unordered, and ordered factor data types. This package is a parallel
  implementation of the np package based on the MPI specification that
  incorporates the Rmpi package (Hao Yu <hyu at stats.uwo.ca>) with minor
  modifications and we are extremely grateful to Hao Yu for his
  contributions to the R community. We would like to gratefully
  acknowledge support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
  Research Council of Canada (NSERC:www.nserc.ca), the Social Sciences
  and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC:www.sshrc.ca), and
  the Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network

* ofp (0.5.0)
  Charlotte Maia

  A package for object oriented R programming, with a dual focus on
  enhanced S3 programming and object-functional programming. This
  package is experimental.

* optimbase (1.0-3)
  Sebastien Bihorel

  Provides a set of commands to manage an abstract optimization method.
  The goal is to provide a building block for a large class of
  specialized optimization methods. This package manages: the number
  of variables, the minimum and maximum bounds, the number of non
  linear inequality constraints, the cost function, the logging
  system, various termination criteria, etc...

* optimsimplex (1.0-2)
  Sebastien Bihorel

  Provides a building block for optimization algorithms based on a
  simplex. The optimsimplex package may be used in the following
  optimization methods: the simplex method of Spendley et al., the
  method of Nelder and Mead, Box's algorithm for constrained
  optimization, the multi-dimensional search by Torczon, etc...

* pGLS (0.0-1)
  Xianyun Mao

  Based on the Generalized Least Square model for comparative
  Phylogenetics (ref).

* plgp (1.0)
  Robert B. Gramacy

  Sequential Monte Carlo inference for fully Bayesian Gaussian process
  (GP) regression and classification models by particle learning (PL).
  The sequential nature of inference and the active learning (AL)
  hooks provided facilitate thrifty sequential design (by entropy) and
  optimization (by improvement) for classification and regression
  models, respectively. This package essentially provides a generic PL
  interface, and functions (arguments to the interface) which
  implement the GP models and AL heuristics.  Functions for a special,
  linked, regression/classification GP model and an integrated
  expected conditional improvement (IECI) statistic is provides for
  optimization in the presence of unknown constraints. See the
  examples section of ?plgp and demo(package="plgp") for an index of

* pmlr (1.0)
  Sarah Colby

  Extends the approach proposed by Firth (1993) for bias reduction of
  MLEs in exponential family models to the multinomial logistic
  regression model with general covariate types.  Modification of the
  logistic regression score function to remove first-order bias is
  equivalent to penalizing the likelihood by the Jeffreys prior, and
  yields penalized maximum likelihood estimates (PLEs) that always
  exist.  Hypothesis testing is conducted via likelihood ratio
  statistics.  Profile confidence intervals (CI) are constructed for
  the PLEs.

* png (0.1-1)
  Simon Urbanek

  This package provides an easy and simple way to read, write and
  display bitmap images stored in the PNG format. It can read and
  write both files and in-memory raw vectors.

* poistweedie (1.0)
  David Pechel Cactcha

  Simulation of models Poisson-Tweedie.

* polysat (0.1)
  Lindsay V. Clark

  polysat is a collection of tools to handle microsatellite data of any
  ploidy (and samples of mixed ploidy) where allele copy number is not
  known in partially heterozygous genotypes. It can import and export
  data in ABI GeneMapper, Structure, ATetra, Tetrasat/Tetra, GenoDive,
  SPAGeDi, and binary presence/absence formats.  It can calculate
  pairwise differences between individuals using a stepwise mutation
  model or infinite alleles model. It can assist the user in
  estimating the ploidy of samples, and lastly it can estimate allele
  frequencies in populations and calculate pairwise Fst values based
  on those frequencies.

* popPK (1.01)
  FDA Pharmacometrics

  This package uses xpose4 to create standard graphs and tables for
  NONMEM runs.

* ppMeasures (0.1)
  David Diez

  The package focuses on distances and prototypes for point patterns.
  There are three algorithms provided to compute spike-time distance,
  and one of these algorithms is generalized to compute variations of
  spike-time distance. Multiple algorithms are also provided to
  estimate prototypes of collections of point patterns.

* pROC (1.2.1)
  Xavier Robin

  Tools for visualizing, smoothing and comparing receiver operating
  characteristic (ROC curves). (Partial) area under the curve (AUC)
  can be compared with statistical tests based on U-statistics or
  bootstrap. Confidence intervals can be computed for (p)AUC or ROC

* ProDenICA (1.0)
  Trevor Hastie

  A direct and flexible method for estimating an ICA model. This
  approach estimates the densities for each component directly via a
  tilted gaussian. The tilt functions are estimated via a GAM poisson
  model. Details can be found in "Elements of Statistical Learning
  (2nd Edition)" Section 14.7.4

* ptinpoly (1.4)
  Jose M. Maisog

  This library provides a function 'pip3d', which tests whether a point
  in 3D space is within, exactly on, or outside an enclosed surface
  defined by a triangular mesh.

* qrnn (1.0)
  Alex J. Cannon

  Fit a quantile regression neural network with optional left censoring
  using a variant of the finite smoothing algorithm.

* qualityTools (1.0)
  Thomas Roth

  This is a package for teaching statistical methods in the field of
  Quality Science. It covers distribution fitting, process capability,
  Gage R&R, factorial, fractional factorial design as well as response
  surface methods including the use of desirability functions.

* quaternions (0.2)
  K. Gerald van den Boogaart

  The skew body of quaternions is an usefull tool to handle geometric
  problems. This package allows to handle quaternions with R nearly as
  simple as real or complex numbers.

* R4dfp (0.1-9)
  Kevin P. Barry

  This package provides an R interface with 2-part 4dfp MRI images
  (.4dfp.ifh and .4dfp.img files.)

* raster (1.2-6)
  Robert J. Hijmans

  Package for reading, writing, and manipulating raster (grid) type
  geographic (spatial) data

* RcmdrPlugin.doex (0.1.0)
  Erin Hodgess

  This package provides an Rcmdr "plug-in" based on the Design of
  experiments class Stat 4309

* remix (0.5-2)
  David Hajage

  remix provides remix, a quick and easy function for describing
  datasets. It can be view as a mix of cast (in package reshape) and
  summary.formula (in package Hmisc).

* Renext (1.0-0)

  R package dedicated to some Extreme values problems and allowing the
  use of the so-called "renewal method" which is popular among
  french-speaking hydrologists.

* rgp (0.1-0)
  Oliver Flasch

  RGP is a simple modular Genetic Programming (GP) system build in pure
  R. In addition to general GP tasks, the system supports Symbolic
  Regression by GP through the familiar R model formula interface. GP
  individuals are represented as R expressions, an (optional) type
  system enables domain-specific function sets containing functions of
  diverse domain- and range types. A basic set of genetic operators
  for variation (mutation and crossover) and selection is provided.

* RMC (0.1)
  Complain to

  Functions for fitting, diagnosing and predicting from a class of
  Markov models.

* RNCBI (0.9)
  Martin Schumann

  This is an alpha release. Retrieve information from the ncbi web

* RNCBIAxis2Libs (0.9)
  Martin Schumann

  Provides selected Apache Axis2 libraries for the use with the RNCBI
  package. For license information see the inst/java directory.

* RNCBIEUtilsLibs (0.9)
  Martin Schumann

  Provides the libraries of the EUtils operations for the RNCBI package.

* rocc (1.0)
  Martin Lauss

  Functions for a classification method based on receiver operating
  characteristics (ROC). Briefly, features are selected according to
  their ranked AUC value in the training set. The selected features
  are merged by the mean value to form a metagene. The samples are
  ranked by their metagene value and the metagene threshold that has
  the highest accuracy in splitting the training samples is
  determined. A new sample is classified by its metagene value
  relative to the threshold. In the first place, the package is aimed
  at two class problems in gene expression data, but might also apply
  to other problems.

* RODM (1.0-2)
  Pablo Tamayo

  This package implements an interface to Oracle Data Mining (ODM). It
  provides an ideal environment for rapid development of demos and
  proof of concept data mining studies. It facilitates the prototyping
  of vertical applications and makes ODM and the RDBMS environment
  easily accessible to statisticians and data analysts familiar with R
  but not fluent in SQL or familiar with the database environment. It
  also facilitates the benchmarking and testing of ODM functionality
  including the production of summary statistics, performance metrics
  and graphics. It enables the scripting and control of production
  data mining methodologies from a high-level environment. Oracle Data
  Mining (ODM) is an option of Oracle Relational Database Management
  System (RDBMS) Enterprise Edition (EE). It contains several data
  mining and data analysis algorithms for classification, prediction,
  regression, clustering, associations, feature selection, anomaly
  detection, feature extraction, and specialized analytics. It
  provides means for the creation, management and operational
  deployment of data mining models inside the database environment.
  For more information consult the entry for "Oracle Data Mining" in
  Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org).

* rredis (1.3)
  B. W. Lewis

  The 'redis' package provides a simple R client for the Redis
  persistent key-value database available from

* rrules (0.1-0)
  Oliver Flasch

  Apply a set of transformation rules to any R function, call or

* RSearchYJ (0.0.1)
  Yohei Sato

  Search with Yahoo Japan

* rseedcalc (1.0)
  Kevin Wright

  Estimate the percentage of seeds containing GM traits.

* RSQLite.extfuns (0.0.1)
  Seth Falcon

  This package uses SQLite's loadable extension feature to provide a
  number of additional SQL functions and aggregates. The package is a
  wrapper of extension functions written by Liam Healy and made
  available through the SQLite website
  (http://www.sqlite.org/contrib).  Math: acos, asin, atan, atn2,
  atan2, acosh, asinh, atanh, difference, degrees, radians, cos, sin,
  tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth, exp, log, log10, power, sign,
  sqrt, square, ceil, floor, pi. String: replicate, charindex,
  leftstr, rightstr, ltrim, rtrim, trim, replace, reverse, proper,
  padl, padr, padc, strfilter. Aggregate: stdev, variance, mode,
  median, lower_quartile, upper_quartile.

* RWebMA (0.0.2)
  Yohei Sato

  This package is an interface for R of WebMA of Yahoo! Japan.

* samplingbook (1.0)
  Juliane Manitz

  Sampling procedures from the book 'Stichproben. Methoden und
  praktische Umsetzung mit R' by Goeran Kauermann and Helmut
  Kuechenhoff (2010)

* SAPP (1.0.0)
  Masami Saga

  Functions for statistical analysis of ponit processes

* scaRabee (1.0-2)
  Sebastien Bihorel

  scaRabee is a port of the Scarabee toolkit originally written as a
  Matlab-based application. It provides a framework for simulation and
  optimization of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models in a naive
  average/pooling settings. It is built on top of the neldermead
  package, which provides the direct search algorithm proposed by
  Nelder and Mead for model optimization.

* secr (1.4.0)
  Murray Efford

  Estimate animal population density with capture--recapture data from
  an array of passive detectors (traps). Models incorporating
  distance-dependent detection are fitted by maximizing the
  likelihood. Tools are included for data manipulation and model

* semPLS (0.8-1)
  Armin Monecke

  Fits structural equation models using partial least squares (PLS). The
  PLS approach is referred to as 'soft-modeling' technique requiring
  no distributional assumptions on the observed data.

* sensitivityPStrat (1.0)
  Charles Dupont

  This package provides functions to perform principal stratification
  sensitivity analyses on datasets.

* seqRFLP (1.0.0)
  Qiong Ding

  This package includes functions for handling DNA sequences, especially
  simulated RFLP and TRFLP pattern based on selected restriction
  enzyme and DNA sequences.

* SHIP (1.0.1)
  Vincent Guillemot

  The SHIP-package allows the estimation of various types of shrinkage
  covariance matrices. These types differ in terms of the so-called
  covariance target (to be chosen by the user), the highly structured
  matrix which the standard unbiased sample covariance matrix is
  shrunken towards and which optionally incorporates prior biological
  knowledge extracted from the database KEGG. The shrinkage intensity
  is obtained via an analytical procedure.

* sifds (0.9)
  Michael Lundholm

  A data set with Swedish inflation forecasts and inflation outcome

* simexaft (1.0.2)
  Juan Xiong

  Implement of the Simulation-Extrapolation (SIMEX) algorithm for the
  accelerated failure time (AFT) with covariates subject to
  measurement error.

* smd.and.more (1.3-0)
  David W. Gerbing

  The function smd.t.test enhances the output of the independent groups
  t-test. This output includes descriptive and inferential statistics,
  including the standardized mean difference or Cohen's d. The
  smd.t.test function also introduces the ODDSMD plot, which displays
  the Overlapping Density Distributions of the two groups as well as a
  visual display of the mean difference and Standardized Mean
  Difference. Other functions provide for the t-test from descriptive
  statistics, color plotting, a calibrated power curve plotted with
  colors from one statement, and regression analysis from one
  statement.  To obtain a one statement read and initial processing of
  csv data, use the function rad, for Read, Attach and Display. The
  parallel function out writes the csv file. The function help.me
  provides a help system that suggests specific analyses by providing
  the name of the relevant functions for a specific topic.

* soil.spec (1.3)
  Thomas Terhoeven-Urselmans

  This package combines existing R functions with new code for soil
  spectral analysis. The result is an easy to use tool for (i)
  importing of spc-files, (ii) principal component analysis, (iii)
  sample selection using the Kennard-Stone algorithm, (iv) spectral
  transformation and (v) comparison of regression methods.

* spaa (0.1.1)
  Jinlong Zhang

  Package for species association analysis and plotting, including
  species matrix preparation from raw species list, lower matrix
  plotting, simple network plotting etc.

* sparkTable (0.1.1)
  Alexander Kowarik

  Create Sparklines and graphical tables for documents and websites

* sparr (0.1-7)

  Provides functions to estimate kernel-smoothed relative risk functions
  and perform subsequent inference.

* spef (0.1-3)
  Xiaojing Wang

  Functions for fitting semiparametric regression models for panel count
  survival data.

* spikeslab (1.1.0)
  Udaya B. Kogalur

  Spike and slab for prediction and variable selection in linear
  regression models. Uses a generalized elastic net for variable

* SPOT (0.1.888)
  J. Ziegenhirt

  R-Package for Sequential Parameter Optimization Toolbox

* SSSR (1.0.1)
  Mehmet Hakan Satman

  This package is for using R as a server side scripting language

* steepness (0.1)
  David Leiva

  steepness is a package that computes steepness as a property of
  dominance hierarchies. Steepness is defined as the absolute slope of
  the straight line fitted to the normalized David's scores. The
  normalized David's scores can be obtained on the basis of dyadic
  dominance indices corrected for chance. Given an observed
  sociomatrix, it computes hierarchy's steepness and estimates
  statistical significance by means of a randomization test.

* StMoSim (1.1)
  Matthias Salvisberg

  With this package you can simulate several lines into the QQnorm-Plot
  and the TA-plot under Gaussian distribution

* stratification (2.0-2)
  Sophie Baillargeon

  This package performs univariate stratification of survey populations.
  The main function implements a generalization of the
  Lavallee-Hidiroglou method of stratum construction. The generalized
  method takes into account a discrepancy between the stratification
  variable and the survey variable. The determination of the optimal
  boundaries also incorporate, if desired, an anticipated
  non-response, a take-all stratum for large units, and a take-none
  stratum for small units. The well known cumulative root frequency
  rule of Dalenius and Hodges and the geometric rule of Gunning and
  Horgan are also implemented.

* stratigraph (0.61)
  Walton A. Green

  A collection of tools for plotting and analyzing paleontological and
  geological data distributed through through time in stratigraphic
  cores or sections. Includes some miscellaneous functions for
  handling other kinds of palaeontological and paleoecological data.

* survPresmooth (1.0)
  Ignacio Lopez-de-Ullibarri

  Compute presmoothed versions of estimators of survival, density,
  cumulative and non-cumulative hazard functions with right-censored
  survival data

* synchronicity (1.0.9)
  Jay and Mike

  This package provides Boost mutex functionality in R.

* TANOVA (1.0.0)
  Weihong Xu

  Functions for performing analysis of variance on time course
  microarray data

* tclust (1.0-3)
  Heinrich Fritz

  Robust Trimmed clustering

* tgram (0.1)
  Marcelino de la Cruz Rot

  Functions to compute and plot tracheidograms

* ThreeGroups (0.1)
  Holger L. Kern

  This package implements the Maximum Likelihood estimator for
  three-group designs proposed by Gerber, Green, Kaplan, and Kern

* tourrGui (0.1)
  Bei Huang

  The GUI allows user to control the tour by checkboxes for the variable
  selection, slider for the speed, and toggle boxes for pause.

* tpsDesign (1.0)
  Takumi Saegusa

  The tpsDesign serves for planning a two-phase design and a
  case-control design. Functions in this packages provides Monte Carlo
  based evaluation of operating characteristics such as powers for
  estimators of the components of a logistic regression model.

* TreePar (1.0)
  Tanja Stadler

  For a given phylogeny on present day data (e.g. species or viruses), a
  likelihood method is provided where the maximum likelihood
  speciation and extinction rates are estimated. The method accounts
  for rate changes and mass extinction events: Time is split into
  intervals, and in each interval, the rates can be different.
  Throughout an interval, the rates stay constant. At the end of an
  interval, a pre-defined fraction of the extant species becomes
  extinct. No species becoming extinct is a rate shift event without
  mass extinction. The method estimates the maximum likelihood
  interval sizes, and the speciation and extinction rates in each
  interval. Note that the method takes into account the whole
  phylogeny, in particular it accounts for the "pull of the present"

* trex (0.1)
  Jason P. Sinnwell

  The first stage is screening to detect rare variants in only cases. If
  the number of case-carriers of any rare variants exceeds a
  user-specified threshold, then additional cases and controls are
  genotyped for the detected variants and carrier status of these
  variants are compared for all cases and controls in the second
  stage. The package includes two main functions, trex for the exact
  test and optimalDesign to determine potential two-stage designs
  including an optimal design.

* triads (0.1)
  Solomon Messing

  This program calculates the triad census positions of each node in a
  graph object.

* TSAgg (0.1-8)
  Jason Scott Lessels

  Time series aggregation for incomplete time series data.

* twiddler (0.2-0)
  Oliver Flasch

  Twiddler is an interactive tool that automatically creates a Tcl/Tk
  GUI for manipulating variables in any R expression. See the
  documentation of the function twiddle to get started.

* VecStatGraphs2D (1.1)
  Juan Carlos Ruiz Cuetos

  This package performs a 2D statistical analysis, both numerical and
  graphic, of a set of vectors. Since a vector has two components
  (module and azimuth) vector analysis is performed in three stages:
  modules are analyzed by means of linear statistics, azimuths are
  analyzed by circular statistics, and the joint analysis of modules
  and azimuths is done using density maps that allow detecting another
  distribution properties (I.e. anisotropy) and outliers. Tests and
  circular statistic parameters have associated a full range of
  graphing: histograms, maps of distributions, point maps, vector
  maps, density maps, distribution modules and azimuths.

* VHDClassification (0.2)

  This package provides an implementation of Linear disciminant analysis
  and quadratic discriminant analysis that works fine in very high
  dimension (when there are many more variables than observations).

* waterfall (
  James P. Howard, II

  This package provides both traditional and lattice graphics
  implementations of waterfall charts.

* waveband (4.5)
  Guy Nason

  Computes Bayesian wavelet shrinkage credible intervals

* WaveCD (1.0)

  Detects change points

* WDI (0.1.1)
  Vincent Arel-Bundock

  Search and download data from the World Banks' World Development

* webvis (0.0.1)
  Shane Conway

  Uses Protovis to provide web graphics for R (exposes most low-level
  functions).  Package is still under active development and shouldn't
  be considered stable until version 0.1.  Currently uses a web
  browser to process JavaScript, although future version will process
  JavaScript directly and return the SVG output.  Also does not
  properly support discrete labels (e.g. with histograms) or
  statistical functions.  See website for more details.

* wvioplot (0.1)
  Solomon Messing

  A violin plot is a combination of a box plot and a kernel density

Updated packages

acepack (1.3-3.0), amba (0.3.0), amei (1.0-3), amer (0.6.7), anacor
(1.0-1), ape (2.5-3), archetypes (2.0-1), arm (1.3-05),
aroma.affymetrix (1.6.0), aroma.core (1.6.0), asbio (0.3-10), ascii
(0.7), automap (1.0-7), bayesmix (0.7-1), bbmle (, bcp
(2.2.0), bear (2.5.3), bibtex (0.2-0), bifactorial (1.4.4), bigmemory
(4.2.3), binGroup (1.0-5), biOps (, bipartite (1.12), blighty
(3.1-0), bnlearn (2.1.1), bootruin (1.0-156), brglm (0.5-5),
cairoDevice (2.13), caret (4.43), catspec (0.95), cgh (1.0-7.1),
cluster (1.13.1), clusterSim (0.38-1), cmprskContin (1.6),
coarseDataTools (0.2), coin (1.0-12), copula (0.9-7), corrplot (0.30),
cshapes (0.2-4), ctv (0.6-0), cudaBayesreg (0.3-6), dagR (1.1.1),
data.table (1.4.1), dclone (1.1-0), ddesolve (1.04), denstrip (1.5),
depmixS4 (0.9-0), DiceKriging (1.1), difR (3.1), distr (2.2.3),
diveMove (1.0), dlnm (1.2.4), doBy (4.0.6), doMC (1.2.1), dplR
(1.3.5), drc (1.9-3), dti (0.9-2), eba (1.5-7), elrm (1.2.1), emplik2
(1.10), ensembleBMA (4.5), epicalc (, epitools (0.5-6), eqtl
(1.1), eRm (0.13-0), exact2x2 (1.0-1), exactci (1.1-0), extremevalues
(2.1), fame (2.9), favir (0.4-1), fda (2.2.2), fields (6.3),
fingerprint (3.3.1), fitdistrplus (0.1-3), flexmix (2.2-7), forecast
(2.05), forensim (1.1-5), formula.tools (0.20.0), fossil (0.3.0),
frailtypack (2.2-14), FrF2 (1.1-3), frontier (0.996-8), ftsa (1.9),
FunNet (1.00-9), gamlss (4.0-0), gamlss.add (4.0-0), gamlss.cens
(4.0.0), gamlss.data (4.0-0), gamlss.dist (4.0-0), gamlss.mx (4.0-0),
gamlss.nl (4.0-0), gamlss.tr (4.0-0), gamlss.util (4.0-0), gap
(1.0-23), gbm (1.6-3.1), gclus (1.3), gdata (2.8.0), geoR (1.6-28),
geoRglm (0.8-28), geosphere (1.2-4), geozoo (0.4.1), GExMap (1.1),
ggplot2 (0.8.8), ghyp (1.5.3), glmnet (1.4), gmm (1.3-2), gplots
(2.8.0), gputools (0.21), gRain (0.8.5), grImport (0.6-1), gss
(1.1-5), gsubfn (0.5-3), gtools (2.6.2), gWidgets (0.0-41),
gWidgetsRGtk2 (0.0-67), gWidgetsrJava (0.0-19), gWidgetstcltk
(0.0-38), gWidgetsWWW (0.0-19), hapassoc (1.2-4), hash (2.0.1), hergm
(1.2-5), hglm (1.1.1), highlight (0.2-1), Hmisc (3.8-2), hopach
(2.9.1), ibr (1.2.2), identity (0.2-1), ifultools (1.0-7), imprProbEst
(1.0.1), impute (1.22.0), imputeMDR (1.1), inline (0.3.5), inlinedocs
(1.1), intamapInteractive (1.0-9), intervals (0.13.2), introgress
(1.2.3), ipw (1.0-5), isa2 (0.2.1), ismev (1.35), isopam (0.9-8),
kernlab (0.9-10), kmi (0.3-3), kml (1.1.2), ks (1.6.13), kza (1.03.1),
languageR (1.0), lasso2 (1.2-11), latentnet (2.3-0), lattice (0.18-8),
latticedl (1.1), latticeExtra (0.6-11), latticist (0.9-43), lda
(1.2.1), ldDesign (1.2-0), lemma (1.3-1), lgtdl (1.1.1), limSolve
(1.5.2), linprog (0.9-0), lme4 (0.999375-34), logging (0.4-42),
logistf (1.10), longitudinalData (0.6.5), lordif (0.1-5), ltm (0.9-4),
maanova (1.18.0), MAc (1.1), MAd (0.8), mapdata (2.1-3), maps (2.1-4),
maptools (0.7-34), marelac (2.1), MASS (7.3-7), Matrix (0.999375-42),
matrixStats (0.2.1), maxLik (0.7-2), mbmdr (2.1), mboost (2.0-6), mc2d
(0.1-8), mclust (3.4.4), mcmc (0.8), mco (1.0.9), mecdf (0.4.1),
memisc (0.95-30), meta (1.6-0), MetabolAnalyze (1.1), metafor (1.3-0),
mgcv (1.6-2), mhsmm (0.3.5), mi (0.09-11), micEcon (0.6-4),
micEconAids (0.6-4), minet (2.4.0), minqa (1.1.8), miscTools (0.6-2),
mitools (2.0.1), mixAK (1.0), mixdist (0.5-3), mixlow (1.0.0),
mixOmics (2.7-1), mixtools (0.4.4), mlegp (3.1.1), mlmmm (0.3-1.2),
mlogit (0.1-7), mokken (2.3), monomvn (1.8-3), mrdrc (1.0-5), msm
(0.9.7), mstate (0.2.4), mtsc (0.0.2), muhaz (1.2.5), multcomp
(1.1-7), multinomRob (1.8-4), multtest (2.4.0), mutatr (0.1.2),
mvabund (0.1-10), mvbutils (2.5.1), mvtnorm (0.9-92), nanop (1.0-1),
ncdf (1.6.1), ncvreg (2.1), NetCluster (0.2), NetData (0.2),
networksis (1.4), nFactors (2.3.2), nFDR (0.0-1), nleqslv (1.6.1),
nltm (1.4.1), NMF (0.4.8), nnls (1.3), nodeHarvest (0.5), noia
(0.94.1), norm (1.0-9.2), np (0.40-1), nsRFA (0.7-0), nutshell (1.01),
nws (, OAIHarvester (0.1-0), oc (0.07), odfWeave (0.7.14),
openintro (1.1), openNLP (0.0-8), operators (0.1-6), ordinal
(2010.06-12), orloca (3.2), orloca.es (3.2), oro.dicom (0.2.6),
oro.nifti (0.2.0), ouch (2.6-2), paleoTS (0.3-2), pamm (0.7), pamr
(1.47), panel (1.0.7), paran (1.4.3), parser (0.0-10), partDSA
(0.7.1), partitions (1.9-8), party (0.9-9997), PBSmapping (2.61.9),
PBSmodelling (2.61.210), pcalg (1.0-2), pcaPP (1.8-1), pedigree
(1.3.1), pegas (0.3-2), penalized (0.9-31), pendensity (0.2.3),
pgfSweave (1.0.5), pgirmess (1.4.6), phangorn (1.0-2), phyclust
(0.1-7), picante (1.1-1), playwith (0.9-52), plink (1.2-3), plm
(1.2-4), plotrix (2.9-5), plsdof (0.2-1), plspm (0.1-6), plyr (1.0.3),
pmml (1.2.22), poLCA (1.2), polycor (0.7-8), pomp (0.31-1), potts
(0.5), prefmod (0.8-21), prim (1.0.8), ProbForecastGOP (1.3.2),
profdpm (2.0), profileModel (0.5-7), pscl (1.03.5), psgp (0.2-11),
psych (1.0-89), PtProcess (3.2-4), QCA3 (0.0-3), qcc (2.0.1), qpcR
(1.2-8), qtl (1.16-6), QTLNetworkR (0.1-7), quadprog (1.5-3), qualV
(0.2-5), quantreg (4.50), qvalue (1.22.0), qvcalc (0.8-7), R.filesets
(0.8.2), R.matlab (1.3.1), R.oo (1.7.3), R.utils (1.4.3), r2dRue
(1.0.1), R2HTML (2.1), R2jags (0.02-08), r2lh (0.6.1), R2wd (1.3.0),
r4ss (1.06), rainbow (2.0), rake (1.1), random.polychor.pa (1.1.1),
randomForest (4.5-35), randomLCA (0.7-3), randomSurvivalForest
(3.6.3), rangeMapper (0.0-4), Rassoc (1.03), rattle (2.5.35), rbugs
(0.4-3), rcdk (2.9.23), rcdklibs (, Rcmdr (1.5-6),
RcmdrPlugin.DoE (0.6-14), RcmdrPlugin.epack (1.2.4),
RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR (1.01), RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos (1.0-5), rcom
(2.2-3), Rcpp (0.8.4), RcppArmadillo (0.2.3), RCurl (1.4-2), relsurv
(1.6), rEMM (1.0-0), RExcelInstaller (3.1-5), RFinanceYJ (0.1.0),
RFLPtools (1.2), rgdal (0.6-27), rgenoud (5.6-7), rgl (0.91), Rhh
(1.0.1), RHRV (2.4), rjags (2.1.0-5), rJava (0.8-4), rjson (0.1.9),
RLRsim (2.0-5), rmetasim (1.1.12), rms (3.0-0), RNetCDF (1.2-1.1),
robCompositions (1.4.2), robfilter (2.6.1), robust (0.3-11),
rpartOrdinal (2.0.2), RPPanalyzer (1.0.3), rpvm (1.0-4), rrcov
(1.0-01), RSAGA (0.9-7), Rserve (0.6-1), RSiena (, Rsolnp
(1.0-4), RSQLite (0.9-1), rstream (1.2.5), Rsymphony (0.1-11), rtv
(0.4.0), runjags (0.9.7-1), Runuran (0.14.0), Rvmmin (0.92),
samplesize (0.1-7), samr (1.28), sapa (1.0-3), scaleboot (0.3-3),
sciplot (1.0-7), scout (1.0.2), scrime (1.2.0), sdcTable (0.0.12),
SDMTools (1.1), seacarb (2.3.4), seas (0.3-9), seewave (1.5.8),
segclust (0.76), segmented (0.2-7.1), SEL (1.0-2), sem (0.9-20),
sendplot (3.8.6), seqinr (2.0-9), seriation (1.0-2), sets (1.0-6),
simFrame (0.2), simone (1.0-0), simPopulation (0.1.2), SIS (0.5),
SiZer (0.1-2), skmeans (0.1-5), slam (0.1-13), sm (2.2-4.1), smacof
(1.0-1), smoothSurv (0.7), sn (0.4-15), sna (2.1-0), snowfall (1.84),
snowFT (1.2-0), som (0.3-5), someKfwer (1.1), sos (1.3-0), sp
(0.9-65), spam (0.22-0), sparcl (1.0.1), spatgraphs (2.37), spatial
(7.3-2), spatialsegregation (2.18), spatstat (1.19-3), spBayes
(0.1-8), spcosa (0.2-1), spdep (0.5-14), spgrass6 (0.6-16), spgwr
(0.6-8), sphet (1.0-0), splancs (2.01-27), sqldf (0.3-5), st (1.1.4),
stab (0.0.8), StatDataML (1.0-20), StatFingerprints (2.0), statmod
(1.4.6), stockPortfolio (1.1), stringkernels (0.8.9), SubpathwayMiner
(3.0), surveillance (1.2-1), survey (3.22-2), SV (1.2.4), svcR
(1.6.4), svGUI (0.9-47), svIDE (0.9-49), svMisc (0.9-57), svUnit
(0.7-2), SweaveListingUtils (0.4.5), tawny (1.2.1), tdm (2.2.2),
tensorA (0.35), termstrc (1.3.1), textcat (0.0-3), tgp (2.3-3),
TGUICore (0.9.10), TGUITeaching (0.9.10), time (1.1), timeDate
(2120.89), timereg (1.3-4), timeSeries (2120.88), tis (1.12),
tm.plugin.mail (0.0-3), tnet (2.7.1), tolerance (0.2.1), topicmodels
(0.0-6), topmodel (0.7.2-1), tpr (0.3-1), tractor.base (1.5.0), traitr
(0.7), tree (1.0-28), trio (1.1.10), trip (1.1-6), tripEstimation
(0.0-33), truncnorm (1.0-4), TSdbi (2010.5-1), tsDyn (0.7-30), TSfame
(2010.5-1), TShistQuote (2010.5-1), tsModel (0.5-3), TSMySQL
(2010.5-1), TSodbc (2010.5-1), TSpadi (2010.5-1), TSPostgreSQL
(2010.5-1), TSSQLite (2010.5-1), ttime (1.2), ttutils (1.0-1), tuneR
(0.3-0), twitteR (0.1.6), udunits (1.3.1), umlr (0.3.0), uncompress
(1.33), unmarked (0.8-6), untb (1.6-3), vardiag (0.1-3), varSelRF
(0.7-2), vbmp (1.16.0), vcdExtra (0.5-0), vegan (1.17-3), vegdata
(0.1.5), venneuler (1.0-2), VGAM (0.8-1), vowels (1.1), VPdtw (2.1-6),
vrmlgen (1.4.4), wavelets (0.2-6), waveslim (1.6.4), wavethresh (4.5),
wgaim (0.99-1), wle (0.9-4), WMCapacity (, wmtsa (1.0-5),
wordnet (0.1-6), xlsx (0.2.1), xlsxjars (0.2.0), XML (3.1-0), xts
(0.7-1), yaImpute (1.0-11), zoo (1.6-4)

New reviews

* survey, by s195404

* RODBC, by s195404

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