[R] Help with a problem

Michael Hess mlhess at med.umich.edu
Sat Jul 17 20:10:44 CEST 2010

Hello R users,

I am a researcher at the University of Michigan looking for a solution to an R problem.  I have loaded my data in from a mysql database and it looks like this

> data
           ds c1 c2
1  2010-04-03        100           0
2  2010-04-30      11141          15
3  2010-05-01      3          16
4  2010-05-02       7615          14
5  2010-05-03       6910          17
6  2010-05-04       5035          3
7  2010-05-05       3007          15
8  2010-05-06       4          14
9  2010-05-07       8335          17
10 2010-05-08       2897          13
11 2010-05-09       6377          17
12 2010-05-10       3177          17
13 2010-05-11       7946          15
14 2010-05-12       8705          0
15 2010-05-13       9030          16
16 2010-05-14       8682          16
17 2010-05-15       8440          15

What I am trying to do is sort by ds, and take rows 1,7, see if c1 is at least 100 AND c2 is at least 8. If it is not, start with check rows 2,8 and if not there 3,9....until it loops over the entire file.   If it finds a set that matches, set a new variable equal to 1, if never finds a match, set it equal to 0.

I have done this in stata but on this project we are trying to use R.  Is this something that can be done in R, if so, could someone point me in the correct direction.


Michael Hess
University of Michigan
Health System

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