[R] [R-pkgs] New package "list" for analyzing list surveyexperiments

Allan Engelhardt allane at cybaea.com
Thu Jul 15 08:46:47 CEST 2010

On 13/07/10 19:16, Erik Iverson wrote:
> Raubertas, Richard wrote:
>> I agree that 'list' is a terrible package name, but only secondarily 
>> because it is a data type.  The primary problem is that it is so generic
>> as to be almost totally uninformative about what the package does.
>> For some reason package writers seem to prefer maximally 
>> uninformative names for their packages.  To take some examples of 
>> recently announced packages, can anyone guess what packages 'FDTH', 
>> 'rtv', or 'lavaan' do?  Why the aversion to informative names along 
>> the lines of
>> 'Freq_dist_and_histogram', 'RandomTimeVariables', and 
>> 'Latent_Variable_Analysis', respectively? 
> I'm sure it's part tradition...
> ls
> cat
> rm
> cp
> mv
> su

No need to leave R, which has some 9 one-letter symbols, 35 two-letter 
symbols, and 121 three letter symbols in the base and core packages.  It 
is just unreal.  (The equivalent numbers from my Linux system are 3, 56, 
and 148, and one of those one-letter commands is R!!)

Quiz yourself on these:

"c" "C" "D" "F" "I" "q" "s" "t" "T"

"ar" "as" "bs" "by" "cm" "de" "df" "dt" "el" "gc" "gl" "if" "Im" "is" 
"lh" "lm" "ls" "lu" "ns" "pf" "pi" "pt" "qf" "qq" "qr" "qt" "Re" "rf" 
"rm" "rt" "sd" "te" "ts" "VA" "vi"

"abs" "acf" "ACF" "AIC" "all" "aml" "any" "aov" "Arg" "ave" "bam" "bcv" 
"bdf" "BIC" "bmp" "BOD" "box" "bxp" "cat" "cav" "ccf" "cch" "cd4" "cgd" 
"co2" "CO2" "col" "cor" "cos" "cov" "cut" "DDT" "det"
"dim" "Dim" "dir" "end" "exp" "fft" "fgl" "fir" "fix" "for" "gam" "get" 
"glm" "gls" "Gun" "hat" "hcl" "hsv" "IGF" "IQR" "Kfn" "knn" "lag" "lcm" 
"lda" "lme" "log" "lqs" "mad" "Map" "max" "mca" "min" "mle" "Mod" "new" 
"nlm" "nls" "npk" "nsl" "OME" "one" "Ops" "pam" "par" "pbc" "PBG" "pdf" 
"pie" "png" "ppr" "qda" "raw" "rep" "rev" "rfs" "rgb" "rig" "rle" "rlm" 
"row" "rug" "seq" "sin" "SOM" "SSD" "SSI" "stl" "str" "sub" "sum" "svd" 
"svg" "tan" "tar" "tau" "tcl" "tmd" "try" "tsp" "two" "ucv" "unz" "url" 
"var" "x11" "X11" "xor"

Generated from R --vanilla with:

for (p in c("base", "boot", "class", "cluster", "codetools", "datasets", 
"foreign", "graphics", "grDevices", "grid", "KernSmooth", "lattice", 
"MASS", "Matrix", "methods", "mgcv", "nlme", "nnet", "rpart", "spatial", 
"splines", "stats", "stats4", "survival", "tcltk", "tools", "utils")) 
library(p, character.only=TRUE)
one <- unique(grep("^[[:alnum:]]+$", apropos("^.$"), value=TRUE))
two <- unique(grep("^[[:alnum:]]+$", apropos("^..$"), value=TRUE))
three <- unique(grep("^[[:alnum:]]+$", apropos("^...$"), value=TRUE))

and from the bash shell with

ls -1 {/usr,}/bin/? 2>/dev/null
ls -1 {/usr,}/bin/?? | perl -ne 'print substr $_,-3' | sort -u | wc -l
ls -1 {/usr,}/bin/??? | perl -ne 'print substr $_,-4' | sort -u | wc -l


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