[R] Matrix Size

paul s r-project.org at queuemail.com
Thu Jul 15 02:22:57 CEST 2010

On 07/14/2010 07:07 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> It is capable of handling large data, but not that large in a single
> matrix. The limit on the number of entries in any vector (and matrices
> are stored as vectors) is about 2^31 ~ 2 billion. Your matrix needs
> about 340 billion entries, so it's too big. (It won't all fit in memory,

Thank you for confirming this.

> You need to break up the work into smaller pieces.

i agree, i will review what a sparse matrix is and how that impacts our 
overall calculations.

is it possible to distribute calculations through R across computers? so 
if i strung a series of PS3's(or the lab computers, ps3 cluster is just 
a fantasy) together, could those pieces then be distributed?


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