[R] Java Heap Space Error while running kpca command

Patrick J Rogers pjrogers at ucsd.edu
Wed Jul 14 20:55:39 CEST 2010

Hi All,

I'm trying to run a kernel principal component analysis on a corpus with 89769 text documents. I'm using the kpca command from the kernlab package. Here is the code:

	output<-kpca(text, kernel=worddot(type="spectrum", length=1))

The problem is that when I run the kpca, it bails after only a few minutes, generating the following error:

	Error in .jcall(.jnew("opennlp/maxent/io/SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader",  : 
	  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

The openNLP package is a dependency for the kernlab package.

output<-kpca(text, kernel=worddot(type="spectrum", length=1))

I appreciate any help anyone can give!

Patrick Rogers

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