[R] A problem about the package "lme4" in R-2.11.1

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Jul 14 10:24:21 CEST 2010

>>>>> "NC" == Nai-Wei Chen <s90225007 at yahoo.com.tw>
>>>>>     on Wed, 14 Jul 2010 05:20:09 +0800 (CST) writes:

(to both R-help and R-SIG-mixed-models; this is called 
 "cross posting" and not liked, even considered impolite.
 I'm only replying to R-help ..)

    NC> Dear all R-users, When I install the package "lme4" in
    NC> R-2.11.1, and use it to run the simulation on the Linux
    NC> system, it appears the following problem.

    NC> Attaching package: 'lme4' The following object(s) are
    NC> masked from 'package:stats':     AIC Error in
    NC> names(argNew)[1] <- names(formals(new))[[1]] :  
    NC> replacement has length zero Calls: initial
    NC> ... lmerFactorList -> lapply -> FUN -> as -> asMethod ->
    NC> fac2sparse Execution halted

    NC> However, when I use this package in R-2.11.0, it can
    NC> work to run the simulation as I do in R-2.11.1.

    NC> How could we fix this problem? Thank you so much.

You really need to tell a bit more of the "full story".
Does this happen when you start R from scratch?
What are the exact commands you then enter?
Please provide the result of sessionInfo(), as well.

I'm pretty sure you have some version mismatch (versions of R,
and lme4 and the Matrix package, probably).

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

    NC> Sincerely,
    NC> Joe

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