[R] Not nice behaviour of nlminb (windows 32 bit, version 2.11.1)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 13:48:57 CEST 2010

On 11/07/2010 5:00 AM, Matthew Killeya wrote:
> Thanks. Seems to me the easiest sensible fix might be to change the
> default abs.tol=0 in R and add a warning in the help files?

That was exactly my suggestion in the message to which Ravi was 
replying, but he apparently has doubts.

Duncan Murdoch
> Matt
> On 11 July 2010 01:41, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10/07/2010 7:32 PM, Ravi Varadhan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The best solution would be to identify where the problem is in the FORTRAN
>>> code and correct it.  However, this problem of premature termination due to
>>> absolute function convergence is highly unlikely to occur in practice.  As
>>> John Nash noted, this is going to be highly unlikely for multi-dimensional
>>> parameters (it is also unlikely for one-dimensional problem).  However,
>>> unless we understand the source of the problem, we cannot feel comfortable
>>> in saying with absolute certainty that this will not occur for n > 1.
>>>  Therefore, I would suggest that either we fix the problem at its source or
>>> we set abs.tol=0, since there is little harm in doing so.
>> Just for future reference:  that's not the kind of answer that leads to
>> anything getting done.  So I'll leave it to the authors of nlminb.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>  Ravi.
>>> ____________________________________________________________________
>>> Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
>>> Assistant Professor,
>>> Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
>>> School of Medicine
>>> Johns Hopkins University
>>> Ph. (410) 502-2619
>>> email: rvaradhan at jhmi.edu
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010 7:32 am
>>> Subject: Re: [R] Not nice behaviour of nlminb (windows 32 bit, version
>>> 2.11.1)
>>> To: Ravi Varadhan <rvaradhan at jhmi.edu>
>>> Cc: Matthew Killeya <matthewkilleya at googlemail.com>, Peter Ehlers <
>>> ehlers at ucalgary.ca>, r-help at r-project.org, bates at stat.wisc.edu
>>>> Ravi Varadhan wrote:
>>>>  >Hi,
>>>>  >
>>>>  >The absolute function stopping criterion is not meant for any positive
>>>> objective function.  It is meant for functions whose minimum is 0.  Here is
>>>> what David Gay's documentation from PORT says:
>>>>  >
>>>>  >"6 - absolute function convergence: |f (x)| <  V(AFCTOL) = V(31). This
>>>> test is only of interest in
>>>>  >problems where f (x) = 0 means a ‘‘perfect fit’’, such as nonlinear
>>>> least-squares problems."
>>>>  >    Okay, I've taken a more careful look at the docs, and they do say
>>>> that the return code 6 does not necessarily indicate convergence:  "The
>>>> desirable return codes are 3, 4, 5, and sometimes 6".  So we shouldn't by
>>>> default terminate on it, we should allow users to choose that if they want
>>>> faster convergence to perfect fits.
>>>>  Would changing the default for abs.tol to zero be a reasonable solution?
>>>>  Duncan Murdoch
>>>>  >For example, let us try a positive objective function:
>>>>  >
>>>>  >   >>nlminb( obj = function(x) x^2 + 1, start=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
>>>> control=list(trace=TRUE))      >  0:     2.0000000:  1.00000
>>>>  >  1:     1.0000000:  0.00000
>>>>  >  2:     1.0000000:  0.00000
>>>>  >$par
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$objective
>>>>  >[1] 1
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$convergence
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$message
>>>>  >[1] "relative convergence (4)"
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$iterations
>>>>  >[1] 2
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$evaluations
>>>>  >function gradient        3        2  >
>>>>  >Here the absolute function criterion does not kicks in.   >
>>>>  >Now let us try a function whose minimum value is 0.
>>>>  >
>>>>  >   >>nlminb( obj = function(x) x^2, start=6, grad=function(x) 2*x,
>>>> lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(trace=TRUE) )
>>>>  >>     >  0:     36.000000:  6.00000
>>>>  >  1:     4.0000000:  2.00000
>>>>  >  2: 4.9303807e-32: 2.22045e-16
>>>>  >$par
>>>>  >[1] 2.220446e-16
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$objective
>>>>  >[1] 4.930381e-32
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$convergence
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$message
>>>>  >[1] "absolute function convergence (6)"
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$iterations
>>>>  >[1] 2
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$evaluations
>>>>  >function gradient        4        3  >We see that convergence is
>>>> attained and that the stoppage is due to absolute function criterion.
>>>>> Suppose, we now set abs.tol=0:
>>>>  >
>>>>  >   >>nlminb( obj = function(x) x^2, start=6, grad=function(x) 2*x,
>>>> lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(trace=TRUE, abs.tol=0) )
>>>>  >>     >  0:     36.000000:  6.00000
>>>>  >  1:     4.0000000:  2.00000
>>>>  >  2: 4.9303807e-32: 2.22045e-16
>>>>  >  3: 2.4308653e-63: -4.93038e-32
>>>>  >  4: 2.9962729e-95: -5.47382e-48
>>>>  >  5:1.4772766e-126: 1.21543e-63
>>>>  >  6:1.8208840e-158: 1.34940e-79
>>>>  >  7:8.9776511e-190: -2.99627e-95
>>>>  >  8:1.1065809e-221: -3.32653e-111
>>>>  >  9:5.4558652e-253: 7.38638e-127
>>>>  > 10:6.7248731e-285: 8.20053e-143
>>>>  > 11:3.3156184e-316: -1.82088e-158
>>>>  > 12:     0.0000000: -2.02159e-174
>>>>  > 13:     0.0000000: -2.02159e-174
>>>>  >$par
>>>>  >[1] -2.021587e-174
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$objective
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$convergence
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$message
>>>>  >[1] "X-convergence (3)"
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$iterations
>>>>  >[1] 13
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$evaluations
>>>>  >function gradient       15       13  >  Now, we see that it takes a
>>>> while to stop, eventhough it is clear that convergence has been attained
>>>> after 2 iterations.  This demonstrates the need for the absolute function
>>>> criterion for obj functions whose minimum is exactly 0.  Although, there is
>>>> nothing wrong with setting abs.tol=0, except for some loss of computational
>>>> efficiency.   >Now, let us get back to Matthew' example:
>>>>  >
>>>>  >   >>nlminb( obj = function(x) x, start=1, lower=-2, upper=2,
>>>> control=list(trace=TRUE))      >  0:     1.0000000:  1.00000
>>>>  >  1:     0.0000000:  0.00000
>>>>  >$par
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$objective
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$convergence
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$message
>>>>  >[1] "absolute function convergence (6)"
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$iterations
>>>>  >[1] 1
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$evaluations
>>>>  >function gradient        2        2  >   >>nlminb( obj = function(x) x,
>>>> start=1, lower=-2, upper=2, control=list(trace=TRUE, abs.tol=0))      >  0:
>>>>     1.0000000:  1.00000
>>>>  >  1:     0.0000000:  0.00000
>>>>  >  2:    -2.0000000: -2.00000
>>>>  >  3:    -2.0000000: -2.00000
>>>>  >$par
>>>>  >[1] -2
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$objective
>>>>  >[1] -2
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$convergence
>>>>  >[1] 0
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$message
>>>>  >[1] "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)"
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$iterations
>>>>  >[1] 3
>>>>  >
>>>>  >$evaluations
>>>>  >function gradient        3        3  >
>>>>  >Thus it is evident that setting abs.tol=0 is a reasonable, general
>>>> solution for functions whose minimum value is non-zero, because it protects
>>>> against premature termination at iteration `n' whenever |f(x_n)| < abs.tol.
>>>>  The only limitation being that of loss of efficiency in problems where
>>>> f(x*) = 0. where x* is the local minimum.
>>>>  >
>>>>  >Ravi.
>>>>  >____________________________________________________________________
>>>>  >
>>>>  >Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
>>>>  >Assistant Professor,
>>>>  >Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
>>>>  >School of Medicine
>>>>  >Johns Hopkins University
>>>>  >
>>>>  >Ph. (410) 502-2619
>>>>  >email: rvaradhan at jhmi.edu
>>>>  >
>>>>  >
>>>>  >----- Original Message -----
>>>>  >From: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com>
>>>>  >Date: Friday, July 9, 2010 6:54 pm
>>>>  >Subject: Re: [R] Not nice behaviour of nlminb (windows 32 bit, version
>>>> 2.11.1)
>>>>  >To: Matthew Killeya <matthewkilleya at googlemail.com>
>>>>  >Cc: Peter Ehlers <ehlers at ucalgary.ca>, Ravi Varadhan <
>>>> rvaradhan at jhmi.edu>, r-help at r-project.org, bates at stat.wisc.edu
>>>>  >
>>>>  >
>>>>  >   >>On 09/07/2010 6:09 PM, Matthew Killeya wrote:
>>>>  >> >Yes clearly a bug... there are numerous variations ... problem seems
>>>> to be
>>>>  >> >for a linear function whenever the first function valuation is 1.
>>>>  >> >    Not at all.  You can get the same problem on a quadratic that
>>>> happens to have a zero at an inconvenient place, e.g.
>>>>  >>  nlminb( obj = function(x) x^2-25, start=6, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf )
>>>>  >>  Ravi's workaround of setting the abs.tol to zero fixes this example,
>>>> but I think it's pretty clear from the documentation that the whole thing
>>>> was designed for positive objective functions, so I wouldn't count on his
>>>> workaround solving all the problems.
>>>>  >>  Duncan Murdoch
>>>>  >>   >e.g. two more examples:
>>>>  >> > nlminb( obj = function(x) x+1, start=0, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf )
>>>>  >> > nlminb( obj = function(x) x+2, start=-1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf )
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> >(I wasn't sure where best to report a bug, so emailed the help list)
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> >On 9 July 2010 22:10, Peter Ehlers <ehlers at ucalgary.ca> wrote:
>>>>  >> >
>>>>  >> >   >>Actually, it looks like any value other than 1.0
>>>>  >> >>(and in (lower, upper)) for start will work.
>>>>  >> >>
>>>>  >> >> -Peter Ehlers
>>>>  >> >>
>>>>  >> >>
>>>>  >> >>On 2010-07-09 14:45, Ravi Varadhan wrote:
>>>>  >> >>
>>>>  >> >>     >>>Setting abs.tol = 0 works!  This turns-off the absolute
>>>> function
>>>>  >> >>>convergence
>>>>  >> >>>criterion.
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>> nlminb( objective=function(x) x, start=1, lower=-2, upper=2,
>>>>  >> >>>      control=list(abs.tol=0))
>>>>  >> >>>$par
>>>>  >> >>>[1] -2
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$objective
>>>>  >> >>>[1] -2
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$convergence
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$message
>>>>  >> >>>[1] "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)"
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$iterations
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 3
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$evaluations
>>>>  >> >>>function gradient
>>>>  >> >>>       3        3
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>This is clearly a bug.
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>Ravi.
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>  >> >>>From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [
>>>>  >> >>>On
>>>>  >> >>>Behalf Of Ravi Varadhan
>>>>  >> >>>Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:42 PM
>>>>  >> >>>To: 'Duncan Murdoch'; 'Matthew Killeya'
>>>>  >> >>>Cc: r-help at r-project.org; bates at stat.wisc.edu
>>>>  >> >>>Subject: Re: [R] Not nice behaviour of nlminb (windows 32 bit,
>>>> version
>>>>  >> >>>2.11.1)
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>Duncan, `nlminb' is not intended for non-negative functions only.
>>>>  There
>>>>  >> >>>is
>>>>  >> >>>indeed something strange happening in the algorithm!
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>start<- 1.0 # converges to wrong minimum
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>startp<- 1.0 + .Machine$double.eps  # correct
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>startm<- 1.0 - .Machine$double.eps  # correct
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>> nlminb( objective=obj, start=start, lower=-2, upper=2)
>>>>  >> >>>      $par
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$objective
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$convergence
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$message
>>>>  >> >>>[1] "absolute function convergence (6)"
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$iterations
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 1
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$evaluations
>>>>  >> >>>function gradient
>>>>  >> >>>       2        2
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>       >>>>nlminb( objective=obj, start=startp, lower=-2, upper=2)
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>         >>>$par
>>>>  >> >>>[1] -2
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$objective
>>>>  >> >>>[1] -2
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$convergence
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$message
>>>>  >> >>>[1] "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)"
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$iterations
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 3
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$evaluations
>>>>  >> >>>function gradient
>>>>  >> >>>       3        3
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>       >>>>nlminb( objective=obj, start=startm, lower=-2, upper=2)
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>         >>>$par
>>>>  >> >>>[1] -2
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$objective
>>>>  >> >>>[1] -2
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$convergence
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$message
>>>>  >> >>>[1] "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)"
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$iterations
>>>>  >> >>>[1] 3
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>$evaluations
>>>>  >> >>>function gradient
>>>>  >> >>>       3        3
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>> From the convergence message the `absolute function convergence'
>>>> seems to
>>>>  >> >>>      be
>>>>  >> >>>the culprit, although I do not understand why that stopping
>>>> criterion is
>>>>  >> >>>becoming effective, when the algorithm is started at x=1, but not
>>>> at any
>>>>  >> >>>other values.  The documentation in IPORT makes it clear that this
>>>>  >> >>>criterion
>>>>  >> >>>is effective only for functions where f(x*) = 0, where x* is a
>>>> local
>>>>  >> >>>minimum.  In this example, x=0 is not a local minimum for f(x), so
>>>> that
>>>>  >> >>>criterion should not apply.
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>Ravi.
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>  >> >>>From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [
>>>>  >> >>>On
>>>>  >> >>>Behalf Of Duncan Murdoch
>>>>  >> >>>Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 3:45 PM
>>>>  >> >>>To: Matthew Killeya
>>>>  >> >>>Cc: r-help at r-project.org; bates at stat.wisc.edu
>>>>  >> >>>Subject: Re: [R] Not nice behaviour of nlminb (windows 32 bit,
>>>> version
>>>>  >> >>>2.11.1)
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>On 09/07/2010 10:37 AM, Matthew Killeya wrote:
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>       >>>> nlminb( obj = function(x) x, start=1, lower=-Inf,
>>>> upper=Inf )
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>         >>>If you read the PORT documentation carefully, you'll
>>>> see that their
>>>>  >> >>>convergence criteria are aimed at minimizing positive functions.
>>>>  (They
>>>>  >> >>>never state this explicitly, as far as I can see.)  So one
>>>> stopping
>>>>  >> >>>criterion is that |f(x)|<  abs.tol, and that's what it found for
>>>> you.  I
>>>>  >> >>>don't know if there's a way to turn this off.
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>Doug or Deepayan, do you know if nlminb can be made to work on
>>>> functions
>>>>  >> >>>that go negative?
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>>Duncan Murdoch
>>>>  >> >>>
>>>>  >> >>> $par
>>>>  >> >>>       >>>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>$objective
>>>>  >> >>>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>$convergence
>>>>  >> >>>>[1] 0
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>$message
>>>>  >> >>>>[1] "absolute function convergence (6)"
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>$iterations
>>>>  >> >>>>[1] 1
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>$evaluations
>>>>  >> >>>>function gradient
>>>>  >> >>>>       2        2
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>
>>>>  >> >>>>         >
>>>>  >> >

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