[R] Error on using lag function

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Thu Jan 28 22:53:08 CET 2010

Does this help:

na.locf(P, fromLast=TRUE)

You'll have to decide what to do if the last value is NA.

  -Peter Ehlers

anna wrote:
> Hello everyone, I have a vector P and I want to replace each of its missing
> values by its next element, for example:
> P[i] = NA --> P[i] = P[i+1]
> To do this I am using the replace() and lag() functions like this:
> P <- replace(as.ts(P),is.na(as.ts(P)),as.ts(lag(P,1)))
> but here is the error that I get:
> Warning message:
> In NextMethod("[<-") :
>   number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
> I have tried to reduce the dimension of P on the first two elements of the
> replace() function by one but it wouldn't work either. Any idea?
> -----
> Anna Lippel

Peter Ehlers
University of Calgary

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