[R] Merge: sort=F not preserving order?

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 23:16:46 CET 2010

Why yes. If you keep reading the helpfile for merge, you come to this bit:


     A data frame.  The rows are by default lexicographically sorted on
     the common columns, but for ‘sort = FALSE’ are in an unspecified

sort=FALSE doesn't preserve your order; instead it gives you an
unspecified potentially random order.


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 5:13 PM, lol zino <lolzino at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am attempting to merge them using the following:
> mergeddata <- merge(data1,data2, by.x="index", by.y="index2", sort=FALSE)
> I want to preserve the order of data1 by setting sort=FALSE, however
> the output I get is:
> which has not preserved the order of data1, and also does not have a
> clear relationship to the order of data2 that I can see. I also tried
> converting both index fields from chars to ints and got the same
> result. Any ideas of what is going on here?
> ______
Sarah Goslee

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