[R] z value from wilcox.exact

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Mon Jan 25 20:06:27 CET 2010

netrunner wrote:
> Hi, 
> does anibody know if is possible  to have as ouptut from the  wilcox.exact
> function also a z value to  "link" the U value at the normal distribution?

I don't think that wilcox.exact() provides this directly.
I would use wilcox_test() in pkg 'coin'.
If you do want to restrict yourself to exactRankTests::wilcox.exact,
then you could use the call with 'exact=FALSE' and invert the P-value:

pv <- wilcox.exact(y ~ x, exact = FALSE)$p.value
Z <- qnorm(pv/2) # for the default 2-sided test

You will have to provide the appropriate sign for Z.

  -Peter Ehlers

> thank you!
> netrunner

Peter Ehlers
University of Calgary

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