[R] : Feature selection

Pedro Silva psilva at porto.ucp.pt
Mon Jan 25 12:51:32 CET 2010

Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 20:05:58 +010-
From: +ACI-Carlos J. Gil Bellosta+ACI- +ADw-cgb+AEA-datanalytics.com+AD4-
To: Amy Hessen +ADw-amy+AF8-4+AF8-5+AF8-84+AEA-hotmail.com+AD4-
Cc: r-help+AEA-r-project.org
Subject: Re: +AFs-R+AF0- Feature selection
Message-ID: +ADw-4B5C9A16.70602+AEA-datanalytics.com+AD4-
Content-Type: text/plain+ADs- charset+AD0-ISO-8859-1+ADs- format+AD0-flowed


Take also a look at the subselect package. It includes simulated annealing, genetic and exact (branch and bound)
search algorithms for variable selection in many different statistical problems.



A. Pedro Duarte Silva
Faculdade de Economia Gestao
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Porto Portugal 

+AD4-You can check


+AD4-Carlos J. Gil Bellosta

+AD4-Amy Hessen wrote:
+AD4- Hi,
+AD4- Could you please tell me whether there are feature selection algorithms in R or not such as genetic algorithms? If so, could you please tell me in which package?
+AD4- Cheers,
+AD4- Amy

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