[R] How to control number of significant digits (figures) in y-axis?

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Mon Jan 11 03:22:37 CET 2010

Use the 'scales=' argument together with formatC:

x <- 1:10
y <- sample(10)
xyplot(y ~ x,
   scales = list(
              y = list(
                at = 1:10,
                lab = formatC(1:10,
                  format = "f", digits = 1))))


  -Peter Ehlers

willow1980 wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I encounter a problem regarding number of significant digits on y-axis.
> Below is my basic code:
> myplotkid<-xyplot(expected_offspringnumber~afr|decade,groups=SES,data1,
> auto.key=list(space="right"),layout=c(9,1),xlab="",ylab="Offspring number",
> aspect="fill",scales=list(x=list(draw=F)),strip=T)
>>From this code, you can see there are 9 small panels in a single row. Thus,
> there is only one y-axis in the left. However, number of offspring displayed
> is in integer. How to display such numbers in decimal numbers, e.g. decimal
> number with one digit after decimal point? Does someone have any idea to
> fulfil this aim?
> Thank you very much for kind help!
> Best regards,
> Jianghua

Peter Ehlers
University of Calgary

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