[R] bootstrapping a matrix using boot package

Amit amitkumartiwary at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 18:36:43 CET 2010

Dear All,
I am trying to bootstrap a large data matrix 'exp' of dimension
9275x898 using package 'boot'. I am trying to calculate correlation of
the obtained samples. I have done following so far:

>load("ratio_exp.RData") #loading the data matrix
[1] 9275  898
>sample.cor=function(ratio_exp,d){return(cor(t(ratio_exp[d,])))} #function for obtaing correlation
Error in matrix(NA, sum(R), lt0) : too many elements specified

But when I reduced the no of replication that is 10 then I got following
> str(boot.exp$t)
 num [1:5, 1:86025625] 1 1 1 1 1 ...

In both the cases its not correct. So I am doing something wrong in
writing the function sample.cor. Please help!


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