[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 00:40:12 CET 2010
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* dcemriS4 (0.20.1)
Brandon Whitcher
A collection of routines and documentation that allows one to perform
a quantitative analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced or
diffusion-weighted MRI data. Medical imaging data should be
organized using either the Analyze or NIfTI data formats.
* genefu (1.0.0)
Benjamin Haibe-Kains
R package providing various functions relevant for gene expression
analysis with emphasis on breast cancer.
* micEconAids (0.6-0)
Arne Henningsen
Demand analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) suggested
by Deaton and Muellbauer (1980)
* miscTools (0.6-0)
Arne Henningsen
Miscellanneous small tools and utilities
* nytR (0.1)
Shane Conway
Provides access to various data sources (congressional vote data)
through the NY Times API.
* partitionMetric (1.0)
partitionMetric computes a distance between two partitions of a set.
Updated packages
accuracy (1.35), arm (1.2-13), aspect (1.0-0), BAS (0.4), BAS (0.45),
coin (1.0-9), fitdistrplus (0.1-2), frontier (0.996-4), gap (1.0-22),
gRbase (1.3.0), gRbase (1.2.0), inline (0.3.4), KFAS (0.4.9), LambertW
(0.1.8), mi (0.08-06), micEcon (0.6-0), nparLD (1.2), partDSA (0.6.0),
pomp (0.26-3), RcmdrPlugin.IPSUR (0.1-6), rgl (0.89), sdcTable
(0.0.8), SpatialExtremes (1.5-0), TShistQuote (2009.12-1)
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