[R] Question on Reduce + rollmean

Muhammad Rahiz muhammad.rahiz at ouce.ox.ac.uk
Sat Jan 2 15:26:32 CET 2010

Hello useRs,

I'd like to perform a moving average on the dataset, xx. I've tried 
combining the functions Reduce and rollmean but it didn't work.

 > r <- function(n) rollmean(n, 2) # where 2 = averaging interval
 > output < - Reduce("r", x)
Error in f(init, x[[i]]) : unused argument(s) (x[[i]])

Is there anything wrong with the code in the first place?

 > x

     V1 V2 V3
[1,]  1  1  1
[2,]  2  2  2
[3,]  3  3  3

     V1 V2 V3
[1,]  4  4  4
[2,]  5  5  5
[3,]  6  6  6

     V1 V2 V3
[1,]  7  7  7
[2,]  8  8  8
[3,]  9  9  9

The moving average is to be performed on

1,4,7 = (1+4)/2 , (4+7)/2
2,5,8 = ..
3,6,9 = ..



Muhammad Rahiz  |  Doctoral Student in Regional Climate Modeling
Climate Research Laboratory, School of Geography & the Environment	
Oxford University Centre for the Environment, University of Oxford
South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865-285194	 Mobile: +44 (0)7854-625974
Email: muhammad.rahiz at ouce.ox.ac.uk

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