[R] Reading hierarchical data

Saba(Home) sabaric at charter.net
Sun Feb 7 16:57:16 CET 2010

I would like to read the following hierarchical data set. There is a family
record followed by one or more personal records.
If col. 7 is "1" it is a family record. If it is "2" it is a personal
The family record is formatted as follows: 
col. 1-5     family id
col. 7        "1"
col. 9        dwelling type code
The personal record is formatted as follows:
col. 1-5 	personal id
col. 7	 "2"
col. 8-9	age
col. 11	sex code

The first six family and accompanying personal records look like this:
06470 1 1
    1 232 0
    2 230 1
07470 1 0
    1 240 1
08470 1 0
    1 227 0
09470 1 0
    1 213 1
    2 222 0
    3 224 1
10470 1 1
    1 220 0
    2 211 1
11470 1 0
    1 217 0
    2 210 1
    3 226 1

I want to create a dataset containing 
. family ID 
. dwelling code 
. person ID 
. age 
. sex code 
The dataset will contain one observation per person, and the with family
information repeated for people in the same family. 
Can anyone help?
Richard Saba

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