[R] how to plot single frames as a movie?

Eik Vettorazzi E.Vettorazzi at uke.uni-hamburg.de
Thu Feb 4 11:58:01 CET 2010

Hi Javier,
have a look at the animation-package on CRAN  and 

Javier schrieb:
> Dear users,
> 1.	Is there a way to create a movie file to play a sequence of single frames
> (e.g. plots) at a specified time delay between frames?
> 2.	If making a movie file is not possible, then how can I incorporate in a
> loop some delay between the frames to be plotted so I can change the playing
> speed?
> Sorry if this questions was already in the forum, but I couldn’t find it.
> Thanks in advance
> Javier

Eik Vettorazzi
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Epidemiologie
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

Martinistr. 52
20246 Hamburg

T ++49/40/7410-58243
F ++49/40/7410-57790

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