[R] how to read this data file into R?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Feb 3 16:53:28 CET 2010

Did you actually look at what you got? I got 129 lines:
 > str(x)
'data.frame':	129 obs. of  9 variables:
  $ A: Factor w/ 28 levels "             [",..: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  
13 ...
  $ B: Factor w/ 129 levels "]  0.7982354 -5.195960 2.0059635  
2.00596350 2.0059635 2.005964  2.0059635",..: 119 123 120 121 115 117  
116 118 105 122 ...
  $ C: Factor w/ 5 levels "","10]     [",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  $ D: Factor w/ 5 levels "","11]      [",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  $ E: Factor w/ 5 levels "","12]     [",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  $ F: Factor w/ 5 levels "","13]    [",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  $ G: Factor w/ 5 levels "","14]      [",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  $ H: Factor w/ 4 levels "","15]","22]",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  $ I: logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...


On Feb 3, 2010, at 10:13 AM, Felipe Carrillo wrote:

> That's strange because I was able to read the file into R just fine
> --- On Tue, 2/2/10, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>> From: David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net>
>> Subject: Re: [R] how to read this data file into R?
>> To: "Felipe Carrillo" <mazatlanmexico at yahoo.com>
>> Cc: r-help at r-project.org, "song song" <rprojecthelp at gmail.com>
>> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 3:40 PM
>> On Feb 2, 2010, at 6:31 PM, Felipe Carrillo wrote:
>>> Convert the file into a csv file( myfile.csv),
>>> delete some of the unwanted rows before importing into
>> R.
>>> Save the file on your working directory and then
>> import into R:
>>> x <- read.csv("myfile.csv")
>>> # Change column names
>>> names(x) <- LETTERS[1:ncol(x)];x
>> The problem with that solution is that there are an
>> irregular number
>> of numbers per row ranging from 8 to 6. You could read in
>> as text with
>> readLines but then need to extract by 25 lines at a time
>> and then
>> cbind the segments. Doable mind you, but I suspect faster
>> with a
>> spreadsheet intermediate solution.
>> The real solution is to grab the miscreant sender by the
>> throat , er,
>> tactfully discuss with your valued customer ,,, and shake
>> out a
>> machine readable form that has all of one row in a row.
>> -- 
>> David.
>>> Change your column names to whatever you want
>>> Felipe D. Carrillo
>>> Supervisory Fishery Biologist
>>> Department of the Interior
>>> US Fish & Wildlife Service
>>> California, USA
>>> --- On Tue, 2/2/10, song song <rprojecthelp at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> From: song song <rprojecthelp at gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: [R] how to read this data file into R?
>>>> To: r-help at r-project.org
>>>> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 2:55 PM
>>>>     [,1]      [,2]
>>>>     [,3]     [,4]
>>>>     [,5]     [,6]
>>>>     [,7]
>>>> [,8]
>>>>    [1,] 2.010061 -5.223624 2.010061
>> 2.010061 1.463336
>>>> 1.463336 2.010061
>>>> 2.010061
>>>>    [2,] 2.057502 -5.101445 2.057502
>> 2.057502 2.057502
>>>> 2.057502 2.057502
>>>> 2.057502
>>>>    [3,] 2.011081 -5.227745 2.011081
>> 2.011081 2.011081
>>>> 2.011081 2.011081
>>>> 2.011081
>>>>    [4,] 2.031695 -5.147776 2.031695
>> 2.031695 2.031695
>>>> 2.031695 2.031695
>>>> 2.031695
>>>>    [5,] 1.982144 -5.219977 2.578551
>> 1.982144 1.982144
>>>> 1.982144 1.982144
>>>> 1.982144
>>>>    [6,] 1.997830 -5.197152 1.997830
>> 1.997830 1.997830
>>>> 1.997830 1.229965
>>>> 1.997830
>>>>    [7,] 1.987102 -5.202288 1.987102
>> 1.987102 1.987102
>>>> 1.987102 1.987102
>>>> 2.045108
>>>>    [8,] 2.004351 -5.263740 2.004351
>> 2.004351 2.004351
>>>> 2.004351 2.004351
>>>> 2.004351
>>>>    [9,] 1.860640 -5.281771 1.947604
>> 1.947604 1.947604
>>>> 1.947604 1.947604
>>>> 1.947604
>>>> [10,] 2.034417 -5.268606 1.917726 1.917726
>> 1.917726
>>>> 1.917726 1.917726
>>>> 1.917726
>>>> [11,] 1.892761 -5.254092 1.892761 1.892761
>> 1.892761
>>>> 1.892761 1.892761
>>>> 1.892761
>>>> [12,] 1.878266 -4.725234 1.878266 1.878266
>> 2.265870
>>>> 1.878266 1.878266
>>>> 1.878266
>>>> [13,] 1.941847 -5.293714 1.941847 1.941847
>> 1.941847
>>>> 2.212040 1.941847
>>>> 1.941847
>>>> [14,] 3.280856 -5.295412 1.891672 1.891672
>> 1.891672
>>>> 1.891672 2.295541
>>>> 1.891672
>>>> [15,] 1.833538 -5.381407 2.417865 1.833538
>> 1.833538
>>>> 1.833538 1.833538
>>>> 1.833538
>>>> [16,] 1.813212 -5.256472 1.813212 2.337103
>> 1.813212
>>>> 1.813212 1.813212
>>>> 1.813212
>>>> [17,] 1.763356 -5.262836 1.763356 2.538904
>> 3.202743
>>>> 1.763356 1.763356
>>>> 1.763356
>>>> [18,] 2.718888 -5.269976 1.824456 1.824456
>> 1.824456
>>>> 1.824456 1.824456
>>>> 1.824456
>>>> [19,] 1.868374 -5.237574 1.868374 1.868374
>> 1.868374
>>>> 1.868374 1.868374
>>>> 1.868374
>>>> [20,] 1.879976 -5.195960 1.879976 1.879976
>> 2.400419
>>>> 1.879976 1.879976
>>>> 1.879976
>>>> [21,] 1.897184 -5.195960 1.897184 1.897184
>> 1.897184
>>>> 1.897184 1.897184
>>>> 1.897184
>>>> [22,] 1.946035 -5.195960 1.946035 1.946035
>> 1.946035
>>>> 1.946035 1.946035
>>>> 1.946035
>>>> [23,] 1.531107 -5.195960 2.005964 2.005964
>> 2.005964
>>>> 2.005964 1.012178
>>>> 2.005964
>>>> [24,] 1.966488 -5.195960 1.966488 3.300449
>> 1.966488
>>>> 1.966488 1.966488
>>>> 1.966488
>>>> [25,] 1.922473 -5.132915 1.922473 1.922473
>> 1.922473
>>>> 1.922473 1.327156
>>>> 1.922473
>>>>     [,9]     [,10]
>>>>     [,11]      [,12]
>>>>     [,13]    [,14]
>>>> [,15]
>>>>    [1,]  2.0100609 -5.223624
>> 2.0100609 2.01006088
>>>> 2.0100609 2.010061
>>>> 2.0100609
>>>>    [2,]  2.0575018 -5.217940
>> 2.0575018 2.05750183
>>>> 2.0575018 2.057502
>>>> 2.0575018
>>>>    [3,]  2.0110810 -5.227745
>> 2.0110810 1.25251992
>>>> 1.1365329 2.011081
>>>> 2.0110810
>>>>    [4,]  2.0316951 -5.147776
>> 2.0316951 0.53524458
>>>> 2.0316951 2.031695
>>>> 2.0316951
>>>>    [5,]  1.9821437 -5.219977
>> 1.9821437 1.98214375
>>>> 1.9821437 1.982144
>>>> 1.9821437
>>>>    [6,]  1.9978302 -5.197152
>> 1.9978302 1.99783017
>>>> 1.9978302 1.997830
>>>> 1.9978302
>>>>    [7,]  1.4779031 -5.202288
>> 1.9871021 1.98710207
>>>> 1.9871021 1.477903
>>>> 1.9871021
>>>>    [8,]  2.0043512 -5.263740
>> 2.0043512 2.00435118
>>>> 2.0043512 2.004351
>>>> 2.0043512
>>>>    [9,]  1.9476036 -5.281771
>> 1.9476036 1.86063972
>>>> 1.9476036 1.947604
>>>> 1.9476036
>>>> [10,]  2.0344169 -5.268606 2.0344169
>> 1.91772554
>>>> 1.9177255 2.034417
>>>> 1.9177255
>>>> [11,]  1.8927610 -5.254092 2.2300986
>> 1.89276104
>>>> 1.8927610 1.892761
>>>> 1.8927610
>>>> [12,]  2.2658697 -5.279645 1.8782663
>> 1.87826632
>>>> 0.9758728 1.878266
>>>> 1.8782663
>>>> [13,]  1.9418472 -5.293714 1.9418472
>> 1.94184718
>>>> 1.9418472 1.941847
>>>> 1.9418472
>>>> [14,]  1.8916717 -5.295412 1.8916717
>> 1.89167168
>>>> 1.8916717 1.891672
>>>> 1.8916717
>>>> [15,]  1.8335379 -5.381407 1.8335379
>> 1.83353786
>>>> 1.8335379 1.833538
>>>> 1.8335379
>>>> [16,]  1.8132119 -5.256472 1.8132119
>> 1.81321188
>>>> 2.3371032 1.813212
>>>> 1.8132119
>>>> [17,]  1.7633565 -5.262836 1.7633565
>> 2.53890421
>>>> 1.7633565 1.763356
>>>> 1.7633565
>>>> [18,]  1.8244564 -5.269976 1.8244564
>> 1.82445645
>>>> 1.8244564 1.824456
>>>> 1.8244564
>>>> [19,]  1.8683740 -5.237574 1.8683740
>> 1.86837403
>>>> 1.8683740 1.868374
>>>> 1.8683740
>>>> [20,]  1.0173668 -5.195960 1.8799758
>> 1.87997583
>>>> 1.8799758 2.685630
>>>> 1.8799758
>>>> [21,]  1.8971842 -5.195960 1.8971842
>> 1.89718417
>>>> 1.8971842 2.438014
>>>> 1.8971842
>>>> [22,]  1.9460347 -5.195960 1.9460347
>> 1.94603470
>>>> 1.7662487 1.946035
>>>> 1.9460347
>>>> [23,]  0.7982354 -5.195960 2.0059635
>> 2.00596350
>>>> 2.0059635 2.005964
>>>> 2.0059635
>>>> [24,]  1.9664877 -5.195960 1.9664877
>> 1.96648770
>>>> 1.9664877 1.966488
>>>> 1.9664877
>>>> [25,]  1.9224727 -5.132915 3.2417843
>> 1.92247274
>>>> 1.9224727 1.922473
>>>> 1.9224727
>>>>             [,16]
>>>>    [,17]
>>    [,18]
>>>>    [,19]
>>    [,20]
>>>> [,21]     [,22]
>>>>    [1,] -5.223624 2.010061
>> -5.223624  1.4633362
>>>> -5.223624 2.010061 -5.090333
>>>>    [2,] -5.217940 2.057502
>> -5.217940  1.0054481
>>>> -5.217940 2.057502 -5.217940
>>>>    [3,] -5.227745 2.011081
>> -5.040568  2.0110810
>>>> -5.227745 2.011081 -5.227745
>>>>    [4,] -5.147776 1.819924
>> -5.147776  2.0316951
>>>> -5.147776 2.031695 -5.147776
>>>>    [5,] -5.219977 1.982144
>> -4.965402  0.2863589
>>>> -5.219977 1.982144 -5.219977
>>>>    [6,] -5.197152 1.997830
>> -5.197152  1.9978302
>>>> -5.197152 1.997830 -5.197152
>>>>    [7,] -5.202288 1.987102
>> -5.202288  1.9871021
>>>> -5.202288 1.987102 -5.202288
>>>>    [8,] -4.665015 2.004351
>> -5.263740  2.0043512
>>>> -4.665015 2.004351 -5.263740
>>>>    [9,] -5.281771 1.947604
>> -5.281771  1.9476036
>>>> -5.281771 1.947604 -5.281771
>>>> [10,] -4.787324 1.917726 -5.268606
>> 1.9177255
>>>> -5.268606 1.917726 -5.268606
>>>> [11,] -5.254092 1.892761 -5.254092
>> 1.8927610
>>>> -4.740590 1.892761 -5.254092
>>>> [12,] -5.279645 1.878266 -5.279645
>> 1.8782663
>>>> -5.279645 1.878266 -5.279645
>>>> [13,] -5.293714 1.941847 -5.293714
>> 2.2120401
>>>> -4.208322 1.941847 -5.293714
>>>> [14,] -5.295412 1.891672 -5.295412
>> 1.8916717
>>>> -4.041867 1.891672 -5.295412
>>>> [15,] -5.381407 2.281394 -5.381407
>> 1.8335379
>>>> -3.885552 1.833538 -5.381407
>>>> [16,] -5.256472 1.813212 -5.256472
>> 1.8132119
>>>> -5.256472 1.813212 -5.256472
>>>> [17,] -5.262836 1.763356 -5.262836
>> 1.7633565
>>>> -5.262836 1.763356 -5.262836
>>>> [18,] -5.269976 2.890181 -5.269976
>> 1.8244564
>>>> -5.269976 1.824456 -5.269976
>>>> [19,] -5.237574 1.868374 -5.237574
>> 1.8683740
>>>> -5.237574 1.868374 -5.237574
>>>> [20,] -5.195960 1.879976 -5.195960
>> 1.8799758
>>>> -5.195960 1.879976 -5.195960
>>>> [21,] -5.195960 1.897184 -5.195960
>> 1.8971842
>>>> -5.195960 1.897184 -5.195960
>>>> [22,] -5.195960 1.946035 -5.195960 -0.2933984
>> -5.195960
>>>> 1.946035 -5.195960
>>>> [23,] -5.195960 2.005964 -5.195960
>> 0.7982354
>>>> -5.195960 2.005964 -5.195960
>>>> [24,] -5.195960 1.966488 -5.195960
>> 1.9664877
>>>> -5.195960 1.966488 -5.195960
>>>> [25,] -5.132915 1.922473 -5.132915
>> 0.9233183
>>>> -5.132915 1.922473 -5.132915
>>    [,23]
>>>>     [,24]      [,25]
>>>>    [,26]    [,27]
>>>>     [,28]    [,29]
>>>>    [1,]  2.0100609 2.0100609
>> -0.2265311 2.010061
>>>> 2.010061 -5.223624 2.010061
>>>>    [2,]  2.0575018
>> 2.0575018  0.4005312
>>>> 2.057502 2.057502 -5.217940 2.057502
>>>>    [3,]  2.0110810
>> 2.0110810  2.0110810
>>>> 2.011081 2.011081 -5.227745 2.011081
>>>>    [4,]  2.0316951
>> 2.0316951  2.0316951
>>>> 2.031695 2.031695 -5.147776 2.031695
>>>>    [5,]  1.9821437
>> 1.9821437  1.4806333
>>>> 1.982144 1.982144 -5.219977 1.982144
>>>>    [6,]  1.9978302
>> 1.9978302  1.9978302
>>>> 1.517729 1.997830 -5.197152 1.997830
>>>>    [7,]  1.9871021
>> 1.9871021  1.9871021
>>>> 1.987102 1.477903 -5.202288 1.987102
>>>>    [8,]  1.4458665
>> 2.0043512  2.0043512
>>>> 2.004351 2.004351 -5.263740 2.004351
>>>>    [9,]  1.9476036
>> 1.9476036  1.8606397
>>>> 1.947604 1.947604 -4.713271 1.947604
>>>> [10,]  1.9177255 1.9177255  1.9177255
>> 1.917726
>>>> 2.034417 -5.268606 1.917726
>>>> [11,]  1.8927610 1.3224297  1.8927610
>> 2.230099
>>>> 1.892761 -5.254092 1.892761
>>>> [12,]  1.8782663 1.8782663  1.8782663
>> 1.878266
>>>> 1.878266 -5.279645 1.878266
>>>> [13,]  1.9418472 1.9418472  1.9418472
>> 1.941847
>>>> 1.941847 -4.208322 2.212040
>>>> [14,]  1.8916717 1.8916717  1.8916717
>> 1.891672
>>>> 1.891672 -5.295412 1.891672
>>>> [15,]  1.8335379 1.8335379  2.2813944
>> 1.833538
>>>> 2.281394 -5.381407 1.833538
>>>> [16,]  1.8132119 1.8132119  1.8132119
>> 2.337103
>>>> 1.813212 -5.256472 1.813212
>>>> [17,]  1.7633565 2.5389042  2.5389042
>> 2.595662
>>>> 1.763356 -5.262836 1.763356
>>>> [18,]  2.7188879 1.8244564  1.8244564
>> 1.824456
>>>> 1.824456 -5.269976 1.824456
>>>> [19,]  1.8683740 2.6859935  1.8683740
>> 1.868374
>>>> 1.868374 -5.237574 1.868374
>>>> [20,]  1.8799758 1.8799758  1.8799758
>> 1.879976
>>>> 1.879976 -5.195960 3.699892
>>>> [21,]  1.8971842 1.8971842  1.8971842
>> 1.897184
>>>> 1.897184 -5.195960 1.897184
>>>> [22,]  1.9460347 1.9460347  1.9460347
>> 1.946035
>>>> 1.946035 -5.195960 3.781882
>>>> [23,]  1.0121785 2.0059635  2.0059635
>> 2.005964
>>>> 2.005964 -5.195960 2.005964
>>>> [24,]  1.9664877 1.9664877  1.9664877
>> 2.025442
>>>> 1.966488 -5.195960 1.966488
>>>> [25,]  1.3271565 1.9224727  0.9233183
>> 1.922473
>>>> 1.922473 -5.132915 3.241784
>>>>     [,30]     [,31]
>>>>     [,32]    [,33]
>>>>      [,34]
>>    [,35]
>>>>    [1,]  1.46333623 2.0100609
>> -5.090333 2.010061
>>>> -0.226531126  2.01006088
>>>>    [2,]  2.05750183 1.3105841
>> -5.217940
>>>> 2.057502  0.029241895  0.02761610
>>>>    [3,]  2.01108103 2.0110810
>> -5.227745
>>>> 2.011081  0.339256598  2.01108103
>>>>    [4,]  2.03169511 2.0316951
>> -5.147776 2.031695
>>>> -5.147775829  1.50221329
>>>>    [5,]  1.55774038 1.9821437
>> -5.219977
>>>> 1.982144  0.286358885  0.28635889
>>>>    [6,]  1.99783017 1.9978302
>> -5.197152
>>>> 1.997830  1.997830167  1.99783017
>>>>    [7,]  1.47790312 0.7237104
>> -5.202288
>>>> 1.987102  0.723710361  0.73504349
>>>>    [8,]  2.00435118 1.4332984
>> -5.263740 2.004351
>>>> -0.619465588  2.00435118
>>>>    [9,]  1.94760360 1.9476036
>> -5.281771 1.947604
>>>> -0.976910576  1.86063972
>>>> [10,]  1.91772554 1.9177255 -5.268606
>> 1.917726
>>>> -1.791538434  1.91772554
>>>> [11,]  1.89276104 1.8927610 -5.254092
>> 2.230099
>>>> -1.791538434  2.23009859
>>>> [12,]  1.87826632 1.8782663 -5.279645
>> 1.878266
>>>> 0.975872753  1.87826632
>>>> [13,]  1.94184718 1.9418472 -5.293714
>> 1.146211
>>>> -5.293713913  1.94184718
>>>> [14,]  1.89167168 1.8916717 -5.295412
>> 1.891672
>>>> -4.041867058  1.44591603
>>>> [15,]  1.83353786 1.8335379 -5.381407
>> 2.281394
>>>> -2.411775517  1.83353786
>>>> [16,]  2.33710323 1.8132119 -5.256472
>> 1.813212
>>>> -3.032447437  1.81321188
>>>> [17,]  1.76335647 1.7633565 -5.262836
>> 1.763356
>>>> -1.791538434  1.76335647
>>>> [18,]  1.82445645 1.8244564 -5.269976
>> 2.718888
>>>> -2.802877612  1.82445645
>>>> [19,]  1.86837403 1.8683740 -5.237574
>> 1.868374
>>>> -0.583427551  1.86837403
>>>> [20,]  1.87997583 2.4004191 -5.195960
>> 1.879976
>>>> -0.221729569  1.87997583
>>>> [21,]  1.89718417 1.8971842 -5.195960
>> 1.897184
>>>> -0.335125564  1.89718417
>>>> [22,]  1.94603470 1.9460347 -5.195960
>> 1.946035
>>>> -0.293398374  1.94603470
>>>> [23,]  2.00596350 2.0059635 -5.195960
>> 2.005964
>>>> -1.791538434  0.02761610
>>>> [24,]  1.96648770 1.9664877 -5.195960
>> 1.966488
>>>> 0.642854756  0.11557730
>>>> [25,]  1.92247274 1.9224727 -5.132915
>> 1.922473
>>>> -5.132915158  1.92247274
>>>> -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
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>>>> R-help at r-project.org
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>>>> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
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>>> R-help at r-project.org
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>>> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide..html
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>> David Winsemius, MD
>> Heritage Laboratories
>> West Hartford, CT

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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