[R] 3D plot of following data

walter.djuric at chello.at walter.djuric at chello.at
Tue Feb 2 13:01:02 CET 2010

Hello R-experts, 

I am having difficulties with 3D plotting (i.e. the evolution of various forward curves through time). 

I have two comma seperated files both ordered by date (in the first column) one containing contracts (meaning forward delivery months from YEAR_ & Letter "F" ... January through letter "Z" ... December) and the other holding the closing price of the respective contract on the day also defined in the first column (see attachments). 

What I would like to do is plot a three dimensional figure with trade day (date) on the X-axis, contract on the Y-axis and the price of the forward contract being the z-value. 
I am quite a newbie and did not manage to merge these two files in a logic way, so that R could do a 3D plot. 

Any help would be appreciated. 

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