[R] Removing rows with earlier dates
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Dec 29 16:24:17 CET 2010
On Dec 29, 2010, at 9:24 AM, Ali Salekfard wrote:
> Thanks to everyone. Joshua's response seemed the most concise one,
> but it
> used up so much memory that my R just gave error. I checked the other
> replies and all in all I came up with this, and thought to share it
> with
> others and get comments.
> My structure was as follows:
> A1 xxxx 2010-01-01
> A2 xxxx 2007-05-01
> A2 xxxx 2007-05-01
> A2 xxxx 2005-05-01
> A2 xxxx 2005-05-01
> A1 xxxx 2009-01-01
> The most efficient solution I came across involves the following
> steps:
> 1. Find the latest date for each account, and convert it to a data
> frame:
> a<-tapply(my.mapping$DATE,my.mapping$ACCOUNT,max)
> a<-data.frame(ACCOUNT=names(a),DT=as.Date(a,"%Y-%m-%d"))
> 2. merge the set with the original data
> my.mapping<-merge(x=my.mapping,y=a,by.x="ACCOUNT",by.y="ACCOUNT")
> 3. Create a take column, which is to confirm if the date of the row
> is the
> maximum date for the account.
> my.mapping<-cbind(my.mapping,TAKE=my.mapping$DATE==my.mapping$DT)
> 4. Filter out all lines except those with TAKE==TRUE.
> my.mapping<-my.mapping[my.mapping$TAKE==TRUE,]
> The running time for my whole list was 4.5 sec which is far better
> than any
> other ways I tried. Let me have your thoughts on that.
My first thought is that you should use more spaces in your code. It
looks quite a bit more complex than the method I suggested (and my
benchmark says mine was maybe 50% faster, but with Maechler's
improvements is now about 4 times faster. I guess I shouldn't throw
too many stones about coding style.)
my.mapping[ with(my.mapping, DATE == ave( DATE,
FUN=max} ), ]
ave.method = function(df, acc, dt)
{df[with( df, dt == ave(dt, acc, FUN=max)), ]}
merge.method = function(df, acc, dt) {
a<- tapply(df[[dt]], df[[acc]],max)
a <- data.frame(ACCOUNT=names(a), DT=a)
df <- merge(x=df, y=a, by.x=acc, by.y="ACCOUNT")
df <- cbind(df, TAKE=df[dt]==df$DT)
df <- df[df$TAKE==TRUE,]}
rep=ave.method(airquality, "Month", "Day"),
pat=merge.method(airquality, "Month", "Day"),
order=c('replications', 'elapsed'))
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child
1 rep 1000 2.523 1.000000 2.512 0.018
0 0
2 pat 1000 7.847 3.110186 7.773 0.092
0 0
It does give the same answers when tested on airquality, though. That
says something for it I suppose. (Had you offered a sensible test
dataset in your first posting , I would have offered a solution using
your column names, but as it was I figured you should have been able
to make the mappings.)
> Ali
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT
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