[R] batch file output

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Tue Dec 28 14:27:05 CET 2010

On Dec 28, 2010, at 8:09 AM, Mikkel Grum wrote:

> I run a batch file with the following command in Windows XP:
> C:\R\R-2.12.1\bin\Rterm.exe --no-save --no-restore <C:\users\me 
> \file.R> C:\users\me\file.out 2>&1
> Is there any way to get only the output of R in file.out, without  
> getting all the code from file.R too?

Put a sink(file="C:\users\me\file2.out") in the file.R would be one  
way but your general strategy looks a bit strange. One does not  
generally use the interactive version of R for batch execution. See:



David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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