[R] labels and barchart

Robert Ruser robert.ruser at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 12:51:13 CET 2010

2010/12/21 Gerrit Eichner <Gerrit.Eichner at math.uni-giessen.de>:
> par( mar = c( 3, 13, 2, 1), cex = 0.8)
> barplot( x, names.arg = NULL, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE)
> axis( side = 1, at = c( seq( 0, 80, by = 20), 95))
> axis( side = 2, at = 1:length(ety), line = -1, las = 1, tick = FALSE,
>      labels = ety)

Thank you very much. I would change a little because the levels of the
labels are not good.

par( mar = c( 3, 13, 2, 1), cex = 0.8)
 my.chart <- barplot( x, names.arg = NULL, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE)
axis( side = 1, at = c( seq( 0, 80, by = 20), 95))
 axis( side = 2, at = my.chart, line = -1, las = 1, tick = FALSE, labels = ety)

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