[R] Layout of mulitpage conditioned lattice plots
Dieter Menne
dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Sun Dec 19 17:23:06 CET 2010
Dear latticists,
I would like to spread a lattice conditioned plot over multiple pages,
keeping the same layout as if I had only one page as shown in the code
My workaround is to divide the dataframe into subset that fit on one page,
but the code is ugly.
Is there a build-in way to achieve this?
nsubj = 13 # This number is variable
dt = expand.grid(time=1:20,comp=LETTERS[1:3],subj=letters[1:nsubj])
dt$val = rnorm(nrow(dt))
# How it should look:
xyplot(val~time|subj+comp, data=dt,type="l",layout=c(10,3),
subset=as.integer(subj) <= 10)
# What to do if it stretches over multiple pages, but I want the same
# layout as above?
xyplot(val~time|subj+comp, data=dt,type="l",layout=c(10,3))
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