[R] editor for MacOS

Jakson A. Aquino jaksonaquino at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 22:38:11 CET 2010

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Troels Ring <tring at gvdnet.dk> wrote:
> Dear friends - I'm using Tinn-R in Windows and find it OK. My son is running
> MacOS and is just starting using R and I know nothing about MacOS and R but
> we seem to have difficulties in finding something similar to Tinn for MaC.
> What are your suggestions?

The developer of Tinn-R also contributes to the development of the
Vim-R-plugin [1] and, consequently. both projects have some
similarities. I don't have a Mac OS, but some people reported success
using the Vim-R-plugin with the Conque Shell plugin [2] in OS X. The
next version of the plugin will have some support to send code to R
gui using AppleScript (I can send by email the development version to
anyone interested in testing the new feature).

The links:
[1] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2628
[2] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2771

Best regards,

Jakson Aquino

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