[R] remove quotes from the paste output

Joshua Wiley jwiley.psych at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 23:27:48 CET 2010

Hi Bob,

You can use the get() function to loopup a variable name.

> long.variable.name <- 5
> "long.variable.name"
[1] "long.variable.name"
> get("long.variable.name")
[1] 5

However, I think this is all overkill.  Assuming
extractModelParameters() came from the MplusAutomation package, and
that the documentation is correct, then it returns a list, ordered in
some predictable way.  Take advantage of this.  I suspect you can get
all your code down to something like:

lapply(modelResults, `[`, 31)

I do not have any Mplus outfiles to toy around with so that code
probably will not be it exactly, but the point is, I think you are
going to a lot of trouble to create these variable names, and there is
probably a much easier way.  If you can upload an Mplus file online
and email the link, I can probably give you more specific advice.



On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 12:43 PM, vaibhav dua <to_vaib at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm generating the name of the variable with paste function and then using that
> variable name further to get the specific position value from the data.frame,
> here is the snippet from my code:
> modelResults <- extractModelParameters("C:/PilotStudy/Mplus_Input/Test",
> recursive=TRUE)
> #extractModelParameters reads all the output files from the Test folder and
> create the following variables in R for each file read:
> #C..PilotStudy.Mplus_Input.Test.rep1.out.unstandardized.est
> #C..PilotStudy.Mplus_Input.Test.rep2.out.unstandardized.est
> #C..PilotStudy.Mplus_Input.Test.rep3.out.unstandardized.est
> modelResultsTemp <- as.data.frame(modelResults)
> MeansTempC1 = rep(NA ,9)
> counter = 1
> for (f in 1:3)
> {
> i=31
> for (g in 1:3)
> {
> OutputFileName <-
> paste("modelResultsTemp$C..PilotStudy.Mplus_Input.Test.rep",f,".out.unstandardized.est[",i,"]",sep="")
> MeansTempC1[counter] = OutputFileName
> i=i+1
> counter = counter+1
> }
> }
> Its not giving me any error but I'm not getting the desired output in
> MeansTempC1 because OutputFileName is a string and thats why its not returning
> the OutputFileName[31] etc. Does anybody know how to eliminate the double quotes
> so that I can use the variable name (generated with the paste function) further
> in the code
> Regards
> Bob
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Joshua Wiley
Ph.D. Student, Health Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles

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