[R] Understanding the output from lme anova

Hedberg Peter phedberg at biol.uw.edu.pl
Mon Dec 6 12:50:09 CET 2010

I have a question regarding understanding the output from a nested linnear mixed effect model.
My model looks like the following
I analyzed the outcome in lme.anova and was puzzled by the output.
The question I have is why the output from my lme.anova for the nested term as.factor(Dist_ditch)/Ditch_block is represented the same way as the result for the two-way interaction of as.factor(Dist_start)*Tree_cut.
That is both are in the output presented with a : sign even though one is a * interaction and the other one a / interaction.
Does the model interpret my / interaction as a * interaction, or is it simply so that the use of : in the output for both just denotes an interaction, and the type of interaction is the one I put into the model.
Thankful for any help with this matter.
Best regards,

NOCC, http://nocc.sourceforge.net

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