[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 01:40:13 CEST 2010
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* ProjectTemplate (0.1-2)
Maintainer: John Myles White
Author(s): John Myles White
The ProjectTemplate package provides a function, create.project(),
that automatically builds a directory for a new R project with a
clean sub-directory structure and automatic data and library loading
tools. The hope is that standardized data loading, automatic
importing of best practice packages, integrated unit testing and
useful nudges towards keeping a cleanly organized codebase will
improve the quality of R coding.
* QuACN (1.0)
Maintainer: Laurin Mueller
Author(s): Laurin Mueller
Quantitative Analysis of Complex Networks. This package offers a set
of topological network measures to analyze complex Networks
* RandForestGUI (1.0)
Maintainer: Rory Michelland
Author(s): Rory Michelland <rory.michelland at gmail.com>, Genevieve Grundmann
<grundman at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr>
A graphical user interface program to analyze microbial profiles
(taxonomic sequences, fingerprints and microarrays) based on
conditional inference random forest
* RcmdrPlugin.TextMining (0.1-0)
Maintainer: Dzemil Lusija
Author(s): Dzemil Lusija
WARNING: This package is currently in beta status! This package
provide GUI for demonstration of text mining concepts and "tm"
package. It is implemented as a plugin to the R-Commander, which is
based on tcl/tk. This set of dialogs can be accessed through the
menu TextMining that is added to the R-Commander menus.
* SMCP (1.1.1)
Maintainer: Jin (Gordon) Liu
Author(s): Jin (Gordon) Liu
A package containing functions that generate microarray data, fit the
marginalized linear model with MCP and QA penalties and conduct
cross-validation to select the tuning parameter.
Updated packages
anapuce (2.2), archetypes (2.0-2), assist (3.0), BLR (1.2), CADStat
(2.2-6), CHNOSZ (0.9-2), coin (1.0-16), demography (1.03), DEoptim
(2.0-6), FEST (0.08), FitAR (1.85), FunNet (1.00-10), futile.paradigm
(1.0.3), GGally (0.2.2), GGMselect (0.1-2), glmulti (0.6-3), JOP
(1.0.4), MIfuns (4.0.16), mondate (, multitaper (0.1-2),
MuMIn (0.13.9), MuMIn (0.13.8), mutossGUI (0.1-4), nls2 (0.1-3), NMF
(0.5.02), nnc (1.12), party (0.9-9998), PBSddesolve (1.08.11),
penalizedSVM (1.1), PET (0.4.9), pomp (0.32-1), PowerTOST (0.7-2),
pROC (1.3.2), ProjectTemplate (0.1-2), REQS (0.8-7), Rlabkey
(2.1.114), ROracleUI (1.1-3), RPyGeo (0.9-2), RSAGA (0.91-1), RSiena
(, sifds (0.9-1), SPACECAP (1.0.1), spatstat (1.20-3),
spBayes (0.2-0), stringr (0.4), TIMP (1.10), TRIANG (1.2), WGCNA
(0.93), YieldCurve (3.1)
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