[R] unexpected subset select results?

ivo welch ivo.welch at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 23:51:38 CEST 2010

quizz---what does this produce?

   d=data.frame( a=1:1000, b=2001:3000, z= 5001:6000 )
   attach(d); c <- (a+b)>25; detach(d)
   d= subset(d, TRUE, select=c( a, b, c ))

yes, I know I have made a mistake, in that the code does not do what I
presumably would have wanted.  it does seem like unexpected behavior,
though, without an error.  there probably is some reason why this does
not ring an alarm bell...

Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at brown.edu, ivo.welch at gmail.com)

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