[R] rollmean help (or similar function)
Gabor Grothendieck
ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 09:01:22 CEST 2010
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Hall, Ken (CDC/OSELS/NCPHI)
<kha6 at cdc.gov> wrote:
> I am working on a simple pilot project comparing the capability of SQL,
> SAS and R to perform a rolling mean per the following instructions. I
> have completed the SQL and SAS analysis, so now it's R's turn.
> Calculate mean values of x (x=count) for each date in the dataset where
> mean = the average count of days [t-9] through day [t-3] for each
> date/illness combination.
> Dataset aggpilot
> date illness x
> 1 2006/01/01 DERM 319
> 2 2006/01/02 DERM 388
> 3 2006/01/03 DERM 336
> 4 2006/01/04 DERM 255
> 5 2006/01/05 DERM 177
> 6 2006/01/06 DERM 377
> 7 2006/01/07 DERM 113
> 8 2006/01/08 DERM 253
> 9 2006/01/09 DERM 316
> 10 2006/01/10 DERM 187
> 11 2006/01/11 DERM 292
> 12 2006/01/12 DERM 275
> 13 2006/01/13 DERM 355
> ... 3102 total observations
> Result of command: str(aggpilot)
> 'data.frame': 3102 obs. of 3 variables:
> $ date : Factor w/ 1551 levels "2006/01/01","2006/01/02",..: 1 2 3 4
> 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
> $ illness: Factor w/ 2 levels "DERM","FEVER": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
> $ x : int 319 388 336 255 177 377 113 253 316 187 ...
> The results should look something like this:
> 1/1/2006 DERM 319
> 1/2/2006 DERM 388
> 1/3/2006 DERM 336
> 1/4/2006 DERM 255 319 [1/1/2006 -
> 1/1/2006]
> 1/5/2006 DERM 177 353.5 [1/1/2006 -
> 1/2/2006]
> 1/6/2006 DERM 377 347.6666667 [1/1/2006 -
> 1/3/2006]
> 1/7/2006 DERM 113 324.5 [1/1/2006 -
> 1/4/2006]
> 1/8/2006 DERM 253 295 [1/1/2006 -
> 1/5/2006]
> 1/9/2006 DERM 316 308.6666667 [1/1/2006 -
> 1/6/2006]
> 1/10/2006 DERM 187 280.7142857 [1/1/2006 -
> 1/7/2006]
> 1/11/2006 DERM 292 271.2857143 [1/2/2006 -
> 1/8/2006]
> 1/12/2006 DERM 275 261 [1/3/2006 -
> 1/9/2006]
> 1/13/2006 DERM 355 239.7142857 [1/4/2006 -
> 1/10/2006]
Lines <- "date illness x
2006/01/01 DERM 319
2006/01/02 DERM 388
2006/01/03 DERM 336
2006/01/04 DERM 255
2006/01/05 DERM 177
2006/01/06 DERM 377
2006/01/07 DERM 113
2006/01/08 DERM 253
2006/01/09 DERM 316
2006/01/10 DERM 187
2006/01/11 DERM 292
2006/01/12 DERM 275
2006/01/13 DERM 355
2006/01/01 FEVER 3190
2006/01/02 FEVER 3880
2006/01/03 FEVER 3360
2006/01/04 FEVER 2550
2006/01/05 FEVER 1770
2006/01/06 FEVER 3770
2006/01/07 FEVER 1130
2006/01/08 FEVER 2530
2006/01/09 FEVER 3160
2006/01/10 FEVER 1870
2006/01/11 FEVER 2920
2006/01/12 FEVER 2750
2006/01/13 FEVER 3550"
# 1. Produces same result from long form data
# Only uses core R functionality (no packages).
# For each row form ix, the set of row indices
# over which to average. Then form the columns.
# read in data
DF <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), header = TRUE)
DF$date <- as.Date(DF$date)
# calculate one row of the output
one_row <- function(i, X) with(X, {
ix <- seq(i-9, i-3)
ix <- ix[ix > 0]
ix <- ix[X$illness[ix] == X$illness[i]]
date <- format(date, "%m/%d/%Y")
tt <- date[ix]
NOTES <- if (length(ix) > 0) paste(head(tt, 1), "-", tail(tt, 1)) else ""
data.frame(DATE = date[i], ILLNESS = illness[i], x = x[i],
MEAN = mean(x[ix]), NOTES)
do.call(rbind, lapply(1:NROW(DF), one_row, DF))
# 2. In common situations the partial means at ends
# would not be calculated since they are not
# comparable to the other values -- they have
# higher variance. Also this data would typically
# be represented as a multivariate time series,
# not as long form data.
# With these changes and making use of the
# rollmean in the zoo package it simplifies.
# read.zoo with split= reads it into a multivariate
# time series with one column per illness.
# We convert dates to chron class since it uses
# the desired output date format by default.
# It is converted to zooreg as its a weakly
# regular series (actually its completely regular).
# Then we merge it with its rolling mean and
# form the desired columns.
x <- read.zoo(textConnection(Lines), header = TRUE, split = "illness")
time(x) <- as.chron(time(x))
x <- as.zooreg(x)
zm <- merge(x, mean = lag(rollmean(x, 7, align = "right"), -3), all = FALSE)
fmt <- function(x) format(x, "%m/%d/%Y")
data.frame(DATE = time(zm), coredata(zm),
notes = paste(time(zm) - 9, "-", time(zm) - 3))
# 3. An alternative approach is to use the sqldf R package
# See http://sqldf.googlecode.com
strftime("%m/%d/%Y", s1.date*24*60*60, \'unixepoch\') "DATE",
s1.illness "ILLNESS",
mean "MEAN",
coalesce(strftime("%m/%d/%Y", fromdate*24*60*60, \'unixepoch\') ||
\' - \' ||
strftime("%m/%d/%Y", fromdate*24*60*60, \'unixepoch\'), \'\') "NOTES"
from DF s1
left join
avg(t2.x) mean,
min(t2.date) fromdate,
max(t2.date) todate,
max(t2.illness) illness
from DF t1, DF t2
where julianday(t1.date) between julianday(t2.date) + 3 AND
julianday(t2.date) + 9
and t1.illness = t2.illness
group by t1.illness, t1.date
order by t1.illness, t1.date) s2
s1.date = s2.date
and s1.illness = s2.illness')
# You can also explore doing part of it with sqldf and other parts in R.
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