[R] error heatmap and stack overflow

michy m.simon at har.mrc.ac.uk
Fri Aug 20 13:01:34 CEST 2010

Im trying to create a heatmap with a dataset (38 x 15037) but get the 
error below:

Error: protect(): protection stack overflow
Execution halted


Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit
Execution halted

I tried to increase the stack size by changing:

extern uintptr_t R_CStackLimit

 but my systems manager said that R by default uses all the memory 
available to it from the operating system.  Our machine has 128G.  I 
also use options(expressions = 100000) but I still get the above 
errors.  Can anyone help?  Im I trying to change the wrong thing or is 
there anything else I can do?

Many thanks,

Michelle Simon
MRC Mammalian Genetics Unit,
Harwell, Oxon, ox11 0rd, U.K.
E-mail:		m.simon at har.mrc.ac.uk
Telephone:	+44 (0)1235 841031
www:		http://www.har.mrc.ac.uk/

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