[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 01:40:11 CEST 2010
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* ber (1.0)
In this package there are functions for adjusting the data to remove
batch effects
* charlson (1.0)
Vanessa Cox
Input patient id and icd9 codes and obtain summary index
* DeducerExtras (1.1)
Ian Fellows
Added functionality for Deducer. This package includes additional
dialogs for calculating distribution function values, cluster
analysis, factor analysis and more.
* demography (1.02)
Rob J Hyndman
Functions for demographic analysis including lifetable calculations;
Lee-Carter modelling; functional data analysis of mortality rates,
fertility rates, net migration numbers; and stochastic population
* futile.paradigm (1.0.0)
Brian Lee Yung Rowe
Provides dispatching implementations suitable for functional
programming paradigms. The framework provides a mechanism for
attaching guards to functions similar to Erlang, while also
providing the safety of assertions reminiscent of Eiffel.
* igraphtosonia (1.0)
Sean J Westwood
This program facilitates exporting igraph graphs to the SoNIA file
* interactivity (0.1)
Jeroen Ooms
Toggle R interactive mode by setting C level global variable
* isdals (1.0-1)
Claus Ekstrom
Provides data sets for Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for
the Life Sciences
* magma (0.2.1-2)
Brian J. Smith
Magma matrix classes and methods for parallel processing of matrix
algebra operations. Operations are performed with algorithms
developed by the MAGMA research project. MAGMA aims to achieve the
fastest possible linear algebra libraries on hybrid multicore CPU
and GPU architectures by exploiting their massive parallelism and
minimizing communication latencies.
* normwhn.test (1.0)
Peter Wickham
Includes Omnibus Univariate and Multivariate Normality Tests (See
Doornik and Hansen (1994)). One variation allows for the possibility
of weak dependence rather than independence in the variable(s). Also
included is an univariate white noise test where the null hypothesis
is "white noise" rather than strict "white noise".
* pathmox (0.1)
Gaston Sanchez
companion package of plspm with approaches of segmentation trees in
PLS Path Modeling.
* phitest (1.0-0)
Leah R. Jager
This package perform a generalized goodness-of-fit test based on
phi-divergences. This test works by considering the maximum
'distance' between the hypothesized distribution function and the
empirical distribution function, where the measure of 'distance' is
based on a phi-divergence. This generalized family of tests is
indexed by a real-valued parameter, s, wich can take values in
[-1,2]. Special cases of this family include the Berk-Jones
statistic (s=0), the supremum form of the Anderson-Darling statistic
(s=2), and the statistic of Jaescke and Eicker (s=-1). See the
references for the phi.test() function for references regarding
these special cases. In addition to performing a statistical test,
this package will also invert the test statistic to form and plot
confidence bands for the true distribution function for sample sizes
up to 10,000.
Updated packages
aqp (0.94), BaM (0.98.1), bayesm (2.2-3), BB (2010.7-1), blighty
(3.1-2), brainwaver (1.5), caret (4.49), caret (4.51), caroline
(0.3-0), catnet (1.08.2), catnet (1.08.1), classGraph (0.7-4), cobs
(1.2-1), cobs99 (0.9-10), coin (1.0-14), constrainedKriging (0.1.1),
countrycode (0.5), cyclones (1.2-9), DAAG (1.02), dafs (1.0-35),
Deducer (0.4-0), DeducerExtras (1.1), delftfews (0.3-33), delftfews
(0.3-30), delftfews (0.3-27), delftfews (0.3-19), demography (1.02),
diptest (0.25-3), DoE.wrapper (0.8), doMPI (0.1-5), evir (1.7), expm
(0.98-3), fgui (1.0-1), FNN (0.6-2), fpc (2.0-1), ftnonpar (0.1-84),
gene2pathway (1.6.1), geofd (0.4.6), geoR (1.6-29), gridExtra (0.7),
hergm (1.2-8), HiddenMarkov (1.4-0), HTMLUtils (0.1.4), interval
(1.0-1.0), irr (0.83), ISOcodes (2010.08.12-1), laeken (0.1.2), lmomco
(1.0.1), magma (0.2.1-2), maptools (0.7-36), Matching (4.7-10),
MatchIt (2.4-14), maxLik (0.8-0), mcgibbsit (1.0.6), mclust (3.4.6),
MCMCglmm (2.05), micEcon (0.6-6), micEconCES (0.6-8), miscTools
(0.6-6), mixOmics (2.8-1), mugnet (0.13.2), mugnet (0.13.1), multcomp
(1.2-0), pgfSweave (1.0.6), PHYLOGR (1.0.7), plink (1.2-5), plspm
(0.1-11), PowerTOST (0.7-1), pROC (1.3), ProfessR (1.1-2), R2jags
(0.02-09), r4ss (1.08), raster (1.3-11), RcmdrPlugin.DoE (0.8),
ResearchMethods (1.2), RExcelInstaller (3.1-7), rjson (0.2.1), RLastFM
(0.1-5), Rniftilib (0.0-29), RPMM (1.06), RQuantLib (0.3.4),
sampleSelection (0.6-10), simFrame (0.3), slam (0.1-14), spaa (0.1.2),
SparseM (0.86), SpatialExtremes (1.6-0), spatstat (1.20-2), SQUAREM
(2010.8-2), systemfit (1.1-8), tau (0.0-9), TeachingDemos (2.7),
textcat (0.0-6), textcat (0.0-5), tikzDevice (0.5.0), triads (0.2),
TripleR (0.4.3), tsDyn (0.7-40), unbalhaar (2.0), VecStatGraphs2D
(1.2), VecStatGraphs3D (1.1), XML (3.1-1)
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