[R] Bug in t.test?

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk
Sat Aug 14 19:55:27 CEST 2010

On 14-Aug-10 16:07:14, Thomas Lumley wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Aug 2010, Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> I'm not too sure about your interpretation. Consider:
> It seems hard to interpret "The formula interface is only applicable
> for the 2-sample tests." any other way
>> Johannes' original query was about differences when there
>> are NAs, corresponding to different settings of "na.action".
>> It is perhaps possible that 'na.action="na.pass"' and
>> 'na.action="na.exclude"' result in different pairings in the
>> case "paired=TRUE". However, it seems to me that the differences
>> he observed are, shall we say, obscure!
> No, they are perfectly straightforward.  Johannes's data had two
> missing values, one in each group, but not in the same pair.
> With na.omit or na.exclude, model.frame() removes the NAs. If there
> are the same number of NAs in each group, this leaves the same number
> of observations in each group. t.test.formula() splits these according
> to the group variable and passes them to t.test.default. Because of
> the (invalid) paired=TRUE argument, t.test.default assumes these are
> nine pairs and gets bogus answers.
> On the other hand with na.pass, model.frame() does not remove NAs.
> t.test.formula() passes two sets of ten observations (including missing
> observations) to t.test.default().  Because of the paired=TRUE
> argument, t.test.default() assumes these are ten pairs, which happens
> to be true in this case, and after deleting the two pairs with missing
> observations it gives the right answer.
> Regardless of the details, however, t.test.formula() can't reliably
> work with paired=TRUE because the user interface provides no way to
> specify which observations are paired. It would be possible (though
> bad idea in my opinion) to specify that paired=TRUE is allowed and
> that the pairing is done in the order the observations appear in the
> data. The minimal change would be to stop doing missing-value removal
> in t.test.formula, although that would be undesirable if a user wanted
> to supply some sort of na.impute() option.
> I would strongly prefer having an explicit indication of pairing,
> eg paired=variable.name, or even better, paired=~variable.name.
> Relying on data frame ordering seems a really bad idea.
>     -thomas

Thanks, Thomas, for elucidating the mechanisms of what I had suspected.
Following the earlier correspondence, I did a little experimentation
which helps to visualise what goes on. I had been composing a draft
email about it (see below) when yours arrived. It ends with a view
on how things might be arranged to work more transparently.

I previously wrote (in connection with how the parings take place):
> Johannes' original query was about differences when there are NAs,
> corresponding to different settings of "na.action". It is perhaps
> possible that 'na.action="na.pass"' and 'na.action="na.exclude"'
> result in different pairings in the case "paired=TRUE".

I have now tested the latter using Johannes Dietrich's example data.
Results below.

# Johannes' data:
testdata.A  <- c(1.15, -0.2, NA,  1  , -2, -0.5, 0.1, 1.2, -1.4, 0.01)
testdata.B  <- c(1.2 ,  1.1, 3 , -0.1,  3,  1.1, 0  , 1.3,  4  , NA  )

# Pairwise complete data:
testdata.A2 <- c(1.15, -0.2,      1  , -2, -0.5, 0.1, 1.2, -1.4)
testdata.B2 <- c(1.2 ,  1.1,     -0.1,  3,  1.1, 0  , 1.3,  4  )

# Groupwise complete data:
testdata.A3 <- c(1.15, -0.2,      1  , -2, -0.5, 0.1, 1.2, -1.4, 0.01)
testdata.B3 <- c(1.2 ,  1.1, 3 , -0.1,  3,  1.1, 0  , 1.3,  4        )

## Johannes:
t.test(testdata.A, testdata.B, paired=TRUE,      
       alternative="two.sided", na.action="na.exclude")
# Paired t-test # data:  testdata.A and testdata.B
# t = -1.7921, df = 7, p-value = 0.1162
# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
# 95 percent confidence interval: #  -3.5517017  0.4892017
# sample estimates: mean of the differences # -1.53125

## Johannes:
testdata  <- c(testdata.A, testdata.B);
criterion <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);

## Johannes:
# Formula-based, "na.pass":
print(t.test(testdata ~ criterion, paired=TRUE,
      alternative="two.sided", na.action="na.pass"))
# Paired t-test # data:  testdata by criterion
# t = -1.7921, df = 7, p-value = 0.1162
# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
# 95 percent confidence interval: #  -3.5517017  0.4892017
# sample estimates: mean of the differences # -1.53125

## Pairwise complete:
# Paired t-test # data:  testdata.A2 and testdata.B2
# t = -1.7921, df = 7, p-value = 0.1162
# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
# 95 percent confidence interval: #  -3.5517017  0.4892017
# sample estimates: mean of the differences # -1.53125

## Johannes:
# Formula-based, "na.exclude":
t.test(testdata ~ criterion, paired=TRUE,
       alternative="two.sided", na.action="na.exclude")
# Paired t-test # data:  testdata by criterion
# t = -3.1063, df = 8, p-value = 0.01453
# lternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
# 95 percent confidence interval: #  -2.9504111 -0.4362555
# sample estimates: mean of the differences # -1.693333

## Groupwise complete:
# Paired t-test # data:  testdata.A3 and testdata.B3
# t = -3.1063, df = 8, p-value = 0.01453
# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
# 95 percent confidence interval: #  -2.9504111 -0.4362555
# sample estimates: mean of the differences # -1.693333

So, with "paired=TRUE":

Formula-based with "na.pass" is the same as using pairwise complete
data and then doing a paired t-test

Formula-based with "na.exclude" is the same as using groupwise
complete data and then doing a paired t-test.

Otherwise put, in the formula-based specification it seems that:

With "na.pass" the data are given to t.test with NAs present
and t.test, picking up the paramater "paired=TRUE", then does
a pairwise strikeout of incomplete cases and does a paired
t.test on the remainder (still paired as in the original data)

With "na.exclude" the data are first filtered of NAs *after the
formula has been read* (so that the corresponding elements of
'criterion' are struck out too), and the resulting data (with
no NAs) are then submitted to the main routine of t.test, [i.e.
as you point out t.test.default] which does a paired t.test on
the now complete data. But the pairing is no longer as in the
original data.

Thus these two approaches lead (as I had surmised) to different
pairings of the data -- compare the pairings resulting from
testdata.A2 and testdata.B2 with the pairings resulting from
testdata.A3 and testdata.B3 as shown at the begining of my code

So one could argue that neither outcome is incorrect -- they
correspond to different approaches to dealing with missing data.
However, that being said, it is difficult to imagine a situation
in which one would want data, originally paired, to be stripped
group-wise of NAs and then submitted to a paired t-test with
different pairings!

Possibly the t.test() function should first look for the 'paired'
parameter before looking at 'na.action'. Then, if paired=TRUE,
it could do pairwise deletion of incomplete cases regardless
of the value of 'na.action' and do a paired t-test on the result,
while if paired=FALSE it could delete NAs in the outcome and
(if given the data as a formula) delete corresponding elements
in the formula's righthand side (the 2-level group indicator),
and, either way, then do an unpaired 2-sample t-test on the
result (where pairing is irrelevant anyway with "paired=FALSE").

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 14-Aug-10                                       Time: 18:55:23
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