[R] Plotting range of values in barplot()

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Fri Aug 6 12:57:58 CEST 2010

On 08/06/2010 04:22 AM, yankeetilidie wrote:
> Hello,
> I am attempting to create a bar plot that contains a range of possible
> response values on the x-axis of 1 to 5 and contains barplots for the number
> of responses even in the event that there are 0 responses. For example, I
> have a data set that contains values of 2, 3, 4, and 5 but I would also like
> my graph to show that there are no 1's.
> I have attached the resulting graph. The appropriate values should be 0 -
> Strongly Disagree, 1 - Somewhat Disagree, 2 - Neutral, 7 - Somewhat Agree,
> and 12 - Strongly Agree.

Hi Steve,
Given your labels, I would suggest the following:

smw.dat<-factor(rep(c("Somewhat Disagree","Neutral",
  "Somewhat Agree","Strongly Agree"),c(1,2,7,12)),
  levels=c("Strongly Disagree","Somewhat Disagree","Neutral",
  "Somewhat Agree","Strongly Agree"),ordered=TRUE)
  col=rainbow(5),main="Survey answers",xlab="Responses")


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