[R] using grib files in R

Janet Nye janetnye at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 18:37:26 CEST 2010

I am not new to R, but I am new to .grib files.  I am downloading some
climate data and I would like to analyze it in R.  R has a nice netcdf
package, but I don’t see any package available to deal specifically
with grib files.  I see a few posts from other people using grib files
in R.  However, I was unclear if they used grib files in a different
software program and then imported the data somehow into R.  Is it
possible to use read grib files in R and then use the data?  If so,
could someone point me to a book/website that might help me learn how
to do this?  Any advice would be helpful…I am beginning to think I
should use a different software program, but I’d like to use R!


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