[R] how to read/save .zip compressed files from R?

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Tue Aug 3 19:29:32 CEST 2010

In the way you describe it, no.

A) There is no such thing as a "zip folder". You are most likely being fooled by the visual presentation of zip files in Windows Explorer, which automatically simulates it as a  folder, when it is really extracting bits of data as needed to display it.

B) Because the data must be decompressed to be manipulated, there is no performance or disk space advantage to creating a facility such as you describe, though thee may be a convenience factor if you do it a lot.

C) There is a function zip.file.extract() in R for extraction, but I don't see a zip compression function, so you will need to use external programs, perhaps executed using the "system" function, to generate updated zip files.

D) It is almost always a bad idea to overwrite your original data, since this prevents you from retracing your data processing steps later for verification or debugging purposes.

J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk wrote:

>Dear list,
>is there a way to open a .zip folder so that one can extract and  
>modify files inside and then save teh .zip folder again?
>Dr. Jose I. de las Heras                      Email: J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
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