[R] Dealing with a lot of parameters in a function

Shentu, Yue yue_shentu at merck.com
Mon Aug 2 17:00:12 CEST 2010

Hi all,
     I'm trying to define and log-likelihood function to work with MLE.
There will be parameters like mu_i, sigma_i, tau_i, ro_i, for i between
1 to 24. Instead of listing all the parameters, one by one in the
function definition, is there a neat way to do it in R ?  The example is
as follows:

 ll<- function(mu1=-0.5,b=1.2,tau_1=0.5,sigma_1=0.5,ro_1=0.7)
{ if (tau1>0 && ro<1 && ro>-1) 
   else NA

but now I need to have the sum of 24 of these negative log-likelihood.


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