[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 01:40:12 CEST 2010
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* alabama (2010.7-1)
Ravi Varadhan
Augmented Lagrangian Adaptive Barrier Minimization Algorithm for
optimizing smooth nonlinear objective functions with constraints.
Linear or nonlinear equality and inequality constraints are allowed.
* BMS (0.2.5)
Stefan Zeugner
Bayesian Model Averaging for univariate linear models under Zellner's
g prior. Options include: fixed (BRIC, UIP, ...) and flexible g
priors (Empirical Bayes, hyper-g), 5 kinds of model prior concepts,
and model sampling via model enumeration or MCMC samplers
(Metropolis-Hastings plain or reversible jump). Post-processing
allows for inference according to different concepts (likelihood vs
MCMC-based) and for plotting (posterior model size and coefficient
densities, best models, model convergence, BMA comparison).
* compareGroups (0.1-3)
Isaac Subirana
This package is meant to facilitate the construction of bivariate
table (descriptives of several variables between groups) and
generate reports in LaTeX or (CSV) plain text. Also, it includes a
graphical interface to build these tables more easily.
* constrainedKriging (0.1.0)
Christoph Hofer
The constrainedKriging package provides functions for efficient
computations of nonlinear spatial predictions with local change of
support. The package supplies functions for tow-dimensional spatial
interpolation by constrained, covariance-matching constrained and
universal (external drift) kriging for points or block of any shape
for data with a nonstationary mean function and an isotropic weakly
stationary variogram. The linear spatial interpolation methods,
constrained and covariance-matching constrained kriging, provide
approximately unbiased prediction for nonlinear target values under
change of support. The constrainedKriging package extends the range
of geostatistical tools available in R and provides a veritable
alternative to conditional simulation for nonlinear spatial
prediction problems with local change of support.
* dafs (1.0-34)
James M. Curran
Data and miscellanea to support the book "Introduction to Data
analysis with R for Forensic Scientists", Curran, J.M. 2010 CRC
Press ISBN: 978-1-4200-8826-7
* dismo (0.5-1)
Functions for species distribution modeling, that is, predicting
entire distributions form occurences at specific sites.
* gaussDiff (1.0)
Henning Rust
A collection difference measures for multivariate Gaussian probability
density functions, such as the Euclidian mean, the Mahalanobis
distance, the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the J-Coefficient, the
Minkowski L2-distance, the Chi-square divergence and the Hellinger
* grt (0.1-1)
Kazunaga Matsuki
Functions to generate and analyze data for psychology experiments
based on the General Recognition Theory.
* HDclassif (1.0)
New disciminant analysis and data clustering methods for high
dimensional data, based on the asumption that high-dimensional data
live in different subspaces with low dimensionality proposing a new
parametrization of the Gaussian mixture model which combines the
ideas of dimension reduction and constraints on the model.
* pvclass (1.0)
Niki Zumbrunnen
Computes nonparametric p-values for the potential class memberships of
new observations as well as cross-validated p-values for the
training data. The p-values are based on permutation tests applied
to an estimated Bayesian likelihood ratio, using a plug-in statistic
for the Gaussian model, 'k nearest neighbors' or 'weighted nearest
neighbors'. Additionally, it provides graphical displays and
quantitative analyses of the p-values.
* rAverage (0.3-2)
Stefano Noventa
Parameter estimation for the Averaging model of Anderson's Information
Integration Theory
* RGtk2Extras (0.0.1)
Tom Taverner
Useful add-ons for RGtk2
* rJython (0.0-2)
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
R interface to Python via Jython allowing R to call python code.
* rTOFsPRO (1.1)
Dariya Malyarenko
rTOFsPRO provides functions for signal processing of the linear TOF
spectra to produce aligned peak intensity matrix (and peak
* Runiversal (1.0)
Mehmet Hakan Satman
This package contains some functions for converting R objects to Java
style variables and XML. Generated Java code is interpretable by
dynamic Java libraries such as Beanshell. Calling R externally and
handling the Java or XML output is an other way to call R from other
languages without native interfaces.
* splinesurv (0.6-14)
Emmanuel Sharef
Utilities for nonparametric Bayesian analysis of clustered survival
data. The baseline hazard function and frailty density are modeled
using penalized B-splines. Options include adaptive knot selection
and the inclusion of a parametric component.
* sprint (0.2.0)
University of Edinburgh SPRINT Team
A simple framework for performing computation in parallel of R scripts
and a library of parallelized R functions.
* VecStatGraphs3D (1.0)
Juan Carlos Ruiz Cuetos
This package performs a 3D statistical analysis, both numerical and
graphic, of a set of vectors. Since a vector has three components (a
module and two angles) vector analysis is performed in two stages:
modules are analyzed by means of linear statistics and orientations
are analyzed by spherical statistics. Tests and spherical statistic
parameters have associated a full range of graphing: vector maps,
density maps, distribution modules and angles. The tests, spherical
statistic parameters and graphs allow us detecting another
distribution properties (I.e. anisotropy) and outliers.
* WGCNA (0.92-3)
Peter Langfelder
Functions necessary to perform Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network
Updated packages
ada (2.0-2), adegenet (1.2-5), AER (1.1-6), allan (1.01), amei
(1.0-4), aroma.affymetrix (1.7.0), aroma.core (1.7.0), aroma.light
(1.16.1), BaM (0.98), Bergm (1.3), BioPhysConnectoR (1.6-5), BioStatR
(1.0.1), BMS (0.2.5), candisc (0.5-18), car (2.0-0), car (2.0-1),
caret (4.45), caroline (0.2-0), CAVIAR (1.1-0), choplump (1.0-0.1),
DAAGxtras (0.7-9), DAAGxtras (0.7-8), ddst (1.02), DPpackage (1.1-1),
EnQuireR (0.10), exact2x2 (1.0-1.1), exactci (1.1-0.1), expm (0.98-2),
FactoClass (1.0.4), FieldSim (3.1.3), forecast (2.06), formula.tools
(1.0.1), fxregime (1.0-1), gee (4.13-15), genefu (1.0.8), geosphere
(1.2-7), geozoo (0.4.2), GEVcdn (1.0.1), GGally (0.2.1), granova
(1.4), grt (0.1-1), gWidgetsRGtk2 (0.0-68), gWidgetstcltk (0.0-39),
hda (0.1-10), heplots (0.9-3), hergm (1.2-7), HiddenMarkov (1.3-2),
HistData (0.6-9), inline (0.3.6), interval (1.0-0.0), IPSUR (1.0),
lmtest (0.9-27), MChtest (1.0-2), metafor (1.4-0), mixAK (1.1),
mixsmsn (0.2-6), mra (2.7), multtest (2.5.14), mvgraph (1.2), MVpower
(2.0), ncdf (1.6.2), ncdf (1.6.3), optmatch (0.7-0), ouch (2.7-1),
outliers (0.13-3), perm (1.0-0.0), perturb (2.04), phylobase (0.6.1),
plink (1.2-4), plspm (0.1-10), proftools (0.0-3), qpcR (1.2-9), qtl
(1.17-39), R.utils (1.4.4), raster (1.3-4), rattle (2.5.37), rAverage
(0.3-2), Rcmdr (1.6-0), RcmdrPlugin.SensoMineR (1.11-01), rconifers
(1.0.1), Rcpp (0.8.5), RcppArmadillo (0.2.4), RcppExamples (0.1.1),
relations (0.5-8), RHRV (2.5), rjags (2.1.0-6), rjson (0.2.0), RODBC
(1.3-2), rsm (1.40), rwm (1.51), scrime (1.2.1), season (0.2-5),
spatstat (1.20-1), spcosa (0.2-2), spdep (0.5-17), splinesurv
(0.6-14), strucchange (1.4-1), termstrc (1.3.2), textcat (0.0-4),
timeDate (2120.90), timeSeries (2120.89), tolerance (0.2.2), TSAgg
(0.1-9), TSP (1.0-1), ttime (1.2.2)
New reviews
* data.table, by branson.owen
* psych, by ch.lalanne
* DEoptim, by mhsatman
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