[R] Size limitations for model.matrix?

gerald.jean at dgag.ca gerald.jean at dgag.ca
Wed Apr 28 19:01:48 CEST 2010


I am running:

R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

on a RedHat Linux box with 48Gb of memory.

I am trying to create a model.matrix for a big model on a moderately large
data set.  It seems there is a size limitation to this model.matrix.

> dim(coll.train)
[1] 677236    128
> coll.1st.model.mat <- model.matrix(coll.1st.formula, data = coll.train)
> dim(coll.1st.model.mat)
[1] 581618    169

One I saw the resulting model.matrix had fewer rows than the original
data.frame I played with the number of input variables in the model:

> ttt <- model.matrix(~kmpleasure + vehage + age + gender + marital.status
+     license.category + minor.conviction + driver.training.certificate +
+     admhybrid + anpol + anveh + cie + dblct + faq13c + faq20 + faq27 +
faq43 +
+     faq5a + fra2 + frb2 + frb3 + kmaff + kmannuel + kmtravai + lima +
maison +
+     nacp + nap + nbcond + nbcondpo + nbvt + rabmlt06 + rabmtve +
rabperprg +
+     rabretrai + statnuit + tarcl06 + utilusa + sexeocc + ageocc + napocc,
+     data = coll.train)
[1] 677236    109

## OK so far, but if I had one more variable there will be missing rows.

> ttt <- model.matrix(~kmpleasure + vehage + age + gender + marital.status
+     license.category + minor.conviction + driver.training.certificate +
+     admhybrid + anpol + anveh + cie + dblct + faq13c + faq20 + faq27 +
faq43 +
+     faq5a + fra2 + frb2 + frb3 + kmaff + kmannuel + kmtravai + lima +
maison +
+     nacp + nap + nbcond + nbcondpo + nbvt + rabmlt06 + rabmtve +
rabperprg +
+     rabretrai + statnuit + tarcl06 + utilusa + sexeocc + ageocc + napocc
+     prof.b2, data = coll.train)
[1] 676379    110

Is there a limit to the size of a matrix and of a data.frame.  I know the
limit for the length of a vector to be 2^31, but we are very far from that
here.  Am I missing something?

Thanks for any support,

Gérald Jean
Conseiller senior en statistiques,
VP Actuariat et Solutions d'assurances,
Desjardins Groupe d'Assurances Générales
télephone            : (418) 835-4900 poste (7639)
télecopieur          : (418) 835-6657
courrier électronique: gerald.jean at dgag.ca

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