[R] save a data frame in environment

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Tue Apr 27 11:44:02 CEST 2010

Don't print them but return() them from your function position() within 
a list. Then you will have a list of two data.frames for later usage 
assigned to your list.

Uwe Ligges

On 27.04.2010 11:37, arnaud Gaboury wrote:
> Dear group,
> Here is my function :
> position<-function(x)
> {
> pose<-read.csv2((paste(c("LSCPos",x,".csv"),collapse="")),dec=".",sep=",",as
> .is=T,h=T,skip=1)[,c(4,8,14,15)]
>    pose$CREATED.DATE<-as.Date(pose$CREATED.DATE,"%d/%m/%y")
>    futures<-pose[-grep("USD",pose[,1]),]
>    colnames(futures)<-c("CONTRAT","CREATED.DATE","QUANTITY","SETTLEMENT")
>    lme<-pose[grep("USD",pose[,1]),]
>    lme$DESCRIPTION<- gsub(" *(\\d+/\\d+/\\d+) *$", "", lme$DESCRIPTION)
>    library(plyr)
>    PositionFut<-ddply(futures, c("CONTRAT","SETTLEMENT"), summarise,
> POSITION=sum(QUANTITY))[,c(1,3,2)]
>    PositionLme<-unique(ddply(lme, c("DESCRIPTION"), summarise,
> D.DATE == max(CREATED.DATE)]))[,-3]
>    print(PositionFut)
>    print(PositionLme)
> }
> As I'm totally new to this kind of sport, i.e. writing code, the code is
> maybe ugly, but it does work. Now, one thing is missing.
>   I want to have the 2 Dataframes "PositionFut"&  "PositionLme" in my
> environment, as I will need them later for another function. If I do a
> save(), it will be saved in my directory, but won't see it when I do ls(),
> even if I do a get() before. What is the process to save these 2 objects in
> order to access them later in another function?
> ***************************
> Arnaud Gaboury
> Mobile: +41 79 392 79 56
> BBM: 255B488F
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