[R] Formatting numerical output

MARCEL CURLIN cemarcel at u.washington.edu
Sun Apr 25 00:14:12 CEST 2010

I am new to R and am having difficulty formatting numerical output from a regression analysis. My code iteratively performs linear regression on a dataset while excluding certain data ranges. 

My code:
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))
dat <- read.table("testdat", sep="\t", header=TRUE)
int = 0.2

for (x in c(0:20)) { 
subdat <- subset(dat, time <= int * x | time > (int*x) + int)	        #excludes range of time data between int * x and (int*x) + int
lm.subdat <- lm(length~time, subdat)							#regression
rs.subdat <- summary(lm.subdat)$r.squared					#getting R-squared information
txt1 <- ("Excluded range: Time")								#creating components of output message
txt2 <- ("R^2 =")												#creating components of output message
lowend <- (int*x)
highend <- (int*x + int)
output <- c(txt1, lowend, highend, txt2, rs.subdat)
print.noquote(output, sep="\t")

Currently my output looks like:
[1] Excluded range: Time 0                    0.2                 
[4] R^2 =                0.111526872884505   
[1] Excluded range: Time 0.2                  0.4                 
[4] R^2 =                0.0706332920267015  
[1] Excluded range: Time 0.4                  0.6                 
[4] R^2 =                0.0691466100802879

I would like the output format to look like:
Excluded range: Time 1.0 - 1.2<tab>R^2 = 0.45  
Excluded range: Time 1.2 - 1.4<tab>R^2 = 0.5

I would like to 
1. get time and R^2 data on the same line
2. control (reduce) the number of digits reported for R^2
3. reduce the large number of empty spaces between "R^2' and value.

I searched a lot but could not find much on this. Any help on these specifics or general comments on formatting numerical output greatly appreciated. 



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