[R] QCA3 segfault

R Gott richard at finghall1.plus.com
Tue Apr 20 18:55:25 CEST 2010

this should have gone to the package manager
apologies to all


ded0rg wrote:
> Hi
> I have just dwonloaded QCA3 onto this machine (ubuntu, karmic, amd64) and a
> mac.  The examples run fine on teh mac, but crashed R on ubuntu.  Any help
> much apprecia\ted.
> Thanks
> Richard
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Terminal log:
>>    conditions <-
>> c("Developed.FZ","Urban.FZ","Literate.FZ","Industrial.FZ", "Stable.FZ")
>> reduce(mydata=Lipset_fs,"Survived.FZ",conditions,explain="positive",remaind="exclude",prepro="fs",consistency=0.7)
>  *** caught segfault ***
> address 0x4, cause 'memory not mapped'
> Traceback:
>  1: .C("lpslink", direction = as.integer(direction), x.count =
> as.integer(x.count),     objective = as.double(objective), const.count =
> as.integer(const.count),     constraints = as.double(constraints), int.count
> = as.integer(int.count),     int.vec = as.integer(int.vec), bin.count =
> as.integer(bin.count),     binary.vec = as.integer(binary.vec),
> num.bin.solns = as.integer(num.bin.solns),     objval = as.double(objval),
> solution = as.double(solution),     presolve = as.integer(presolve),
> compute.sens = as.integer(compute.sens),     sens.coef.from =
> as.double(sens.coef.from), sens.coef.to = as.double(sens.coef.to),     duals
> = as.double(duals), duals.from = as.double(duals.from),     duals.to =
> as.double(duals.to), scale = as.integer(scale),     use.dense =
> as.integer(use.dense), dense.col = as.integer(dense.col),     dense.val =
> as.double(dense.val), dense.const.nrow = as.integer(dense.const.nrow),    
> dense.ctr = as.integer(dense.ctr), use.rw = as.integer(use.rw),     tmp =
> as.character(tmp), status = as.integer(status), PACKAGE = "lpSolve")                                                                                                              
>  2: lpSolve:::lp(direction = "min", objective.in = rep(1, nrow(PIChart)),    
> const.mat = t(PIChart), const.dir = ">=", 1, all.bin = TRUE)
>  3: solvePIChart(PIChart)
>  4: reduce.default(mydata = Lipset_fs, "Survived.FZ", conditions,    
> explain = "positive", remaind = "exclude", prepro = "fs",     consistency =
> 0.7)
>  5: reduce(mydata = Lipset_fs, "Survived.FZ", conditions, explain =
> "positive",     remaind = "exclude", prepro = "fs", consistency = 0.7)
> Possible actions:
> 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
> 2: normal R exit
> 3: exit R without saving workspace
> 4: exit R saving workspace
> Selection:
> --------------------------------------------------
>> Sys.getlocale()
> [1]

Richard Gott
1 Willow Court
N Yorks

01677 450 974

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