[R] Adding RcppFrame to RcppResultSet causes segmentation fault

Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com
Thu Apr 1 17:47:26 CEST 2010

Please look again at Romain's reply to you on 19th March.  He informed you 
then that Rcpp has its own dedicated mailing list and he gave you the link.

"R_help Help" <rhelpacc at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:ad1ead5f1003291753p68d6ed52q572940f13e1c038d at mail.gmail.com...
> Hi,
> I'm a bit puzzled. I uses exactly the same code in RcppExamples
> package to try adding RcppFrame object to RcppResultSet. When running
> it gives me segmentation fault problem. I'm using gcc 4.1.2 on redhat
> 64bit. I'm not sure if this is the cause of the problem. Any advice
> would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
> Rob.
> int numCol=4;
> std::vector<std::string> colNames(numCol);
> colNames[0] = "alpha"; // column of strings
> colNames[1] = "beta";  // column of reals
> colNames[2] = "gamma"; // factor column
> colNames[3] = "delta"; // column of Dates
> RcppFrame frame(colNames);
> // Third column will be a factor. In the current implementation the
> // level names are copied to every factor value (and factors
> // in the same column must have the same level names). The level names
> // for a particular column will be factored out (pardon the pun) in
> // a future release.
> int numLevels = 2;
> std::string *levelNames = new std::string[2];
> levelNames[0] = std::string("pass"); // level 1
> levelNames[1] = std::string("fail"); // level 2
> // First row (this one determines column types).
> std::vector<ColDatum> row1(numCol);
> row1[0].setStringValue("a");
> row1[1].setDoubleValue(3.14);
> row1[2].setFactorValue(levelNames, numLevels, 1);
> row1[3].setDateValue(RcppDate(7,4,2006));
> frame.addRow(row1);
> // Second row.
> std::vector<ColDatum> row2(numCol);
> row2[0].setStringValue("b");
> row2[1].setDoubleValue(6.28);
> row2[2].setFactorValue(levelNames, numLevels, 1);
> row2[3].setDateValue(RcppDate(12,25,2006));
> frame.addRow(row2);
> RcppResultSet rs;
> rs.add("PreDF", frame);

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