[R] packGrob and dynamic resizing

Paul Murrell p.murrell at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Sep 29 03:34:45 CEST 2009


I could speculate, but what would be more useful would be some profiling 
results.  If you could try Rprof() on your examples (and post me the 
results directly), that would provide some useful information to see if 
some speed-ups could be made.


baptiste auguie wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried a fourth variant, closer to what ggplot2 uses (I think):
> to each grob is assigned a viewport with row and column positions (in
> my example during their construction, with ggplot2 upon editing), and
> they're all plotted in a given grid.layout. The timing is poor
> compared to pushing and upping viewports (twice as long).
> Why would that be?
> All the best,
> baptiste
> (the full, self-contained comparison file is attached, run as:
> R --vanilla -f comparison.r )
> # below is version 4 only
> makeContentInVp <- function(d){
> content <- as.character(unlist(c(d)))
> nc <- ncol(d)
> nr <- nrow(d)
> n2nm <- function(nr, nc){
> expand.grid(seq(1, nr), seq(1, nc))
> }
> vp.ind <- n2nm(nr, nc)
> textii <- function(d, gp=gpar(), name="content-label-"){
>   function(ii)
> textGrob(label=d[ii], gp=gp,
>          name=paste(name, ii, sep=""),
>          vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=vp.ind[ii, 1],
> layout.pos.col=vp.ind[ii, 2]))
> }
>  makeOneLabel <- textii(d=content, gp=gpar(col="blue"))
>  lg <- lapply(seq_along(content), makeOneLabel)
> list(lg=lg, nrow=nrow(d), ncol=ncol(d))
> }
> ## table4 uses grobs that already have a viewport assigned
> table4 <- function(content){
> padding <- unit(4, "mm")
>  lg <- content$lg
>  ## retrieve the widths and heights of all textGrobs
>   wg <- lapply(lg, grobWidth) # list of grob widths
>   hg <- lapply(lg, grobHeight) # list of grob heights
>  ## concatenate this units
>   widths.all <- do.call(unit.c, wg) # all grob widths
>   heights.all <- do.call(unit.c, hg)    #all grob heights
>  ## matrix-like operations on units to define the table layout
>   widths <- colMax.units(widths.all, content$ncol)  # all column widths
>   heights <- rowMax.units(heights.all, content$nrow)  # all row heights
>   vp <- viewport(layout=grid.layout(content$nrow,content$ncol,
>                    w=widths+padding, h=heights+padding))
>         grid.draw(gTree(children=do.call(gList, lg), vp=vp))
> }
> # uncomment for timing
> d <- head(iris)
> #d <- iris
> content2 <- makeContentInVp(d)
> # grid.newpage()
> # system.time(table3(content))
> ##    user  system elapsed
> ##   4.422   0.091   4.787
>  grid.newpage()
> system.time(table4(content2))
> ##    user  system elapsed
> ##   8.810   0.184   9.555
> 2009/9/25 hadley wickham <h.wickham at gmail.com>:
>> This matches my experience with ggplot2 - I have been gradually moving
>> away from frameGrob and packGrob because doing the placement myself is
>> much faster (and for most of the cases I'm interested in, the full
>> power of packGrob is not needed)
>> Hadley
>> --
>> http://had.co.nz/

Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz

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