[R] graduation

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Sep 23 14:44:17 CEST 2009

On Sep 23, 2009, at 4:54 AM, MKHABELA,SN wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I want help in graduating the attached rates and checking for  
> goodness of fit and smoothness using R please help.
> <Mortality rates for males and  
> females.txt>______________________________________________

You have provided the rates but not the death counts or person-years  
of exposure that would be needed to create these rates. Such numbers  
would be useful in doing a graduation that had a statistical basis. At  
the moment I think you should be looking at the data and deciding  
whether you can model as a Gompertz function which is the canonical  
"mortality law":

mrates <- read.table(file="<path>/Mortality rates for males and  
females.txt", header=T)
with(mrates, plot(Age, log(Males+.001)))  # added 1/2 the minimum rate  
to the zero entries
with(mrates, plot(Age, log(females+.0005)))

But I do not think you have given enough information or background to  
take further steps. The plots are not entirely supportive of a  
Gompertz model and is "telling" you that you need to think more deeply  
about what the underlying situation really represents.

Of course, if this is homework, you have not been completely  
forthright with us and should review your educational  institution's  


David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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