[R] Working around 256 byte variable names? + trouble opening large file
A Singh
Aditi.Singh at bristol.ac.uk
Mon Sep 21 22:54:11 CEST 2009
Thanks a huge bunch John, David, Steve, Hadley and Erik!
I don't know how acceptable it is to mass thank everyone :), but seemed
like a good idea as everyone was in on the thread and here's how it worked:
Unmatched quotes was probably correct.
When exporting from excel, it did warn me that there were things
incompatible with .txt, which could cause problems with the file, and I
think that is what happened with trying to read in the .txt version.
The csv versions didn't run for the broken down smaller files but when I
tried it with "Everything.csv" (430 columns), it worked.
>names(vc) gave me:
[1] "id" "family" "P1L55" "P1L73" "P1L74"
[6] "P1L77" "P1L91" "P1L96" "P1L98" "P1L100"
(...sep=",".. ) also worked, and I just finished running a loop over 430
columns for an hierarchical model. Woooo...
I would like to find out why attach() is advised against,
and thanks again for a list of useful commands that I can explore in the
Cheers! :)
A Singh
Aditi.Singh at bristol.ac.uk
School of Biological Sciences
University of Bristol
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