[R] max.deparse.length in tinn-R

ravi rv15i at yahoo.se
Mon Sep 21 09:56:59 CEST 2009

Dear R helpers,
I want to know about the implications of changing the max..deparse.length parameter in tinn-R.

I use tinn-R as my text editor. I had a problem recently in reading in a statement that ran for many lines.. I was trying to recode some factors with long names into short ones. I got the following error message :

> wdata$categ<-recode(wdata$artiklar,"'EMULSIONSOLJA'='Valsoljor';c('SMÖRJMEDEL','HYDRAULOLJA','VÄXELLÅDSOLJA','GEJDOLJA',

Suspecting that this had something to do with the max.deparse.length, I increased the default limit of 150 to 1000. I did this from the Options/Application/R/Basic menu. After this change, the multi-line statement could be interpreted by R without any problem.

I would like to know if there is any flip side to changing the max.deparse.length to a large number, say 10000 (or even Inf). There must be a reason for setting the default to 150. I would just like to know what that can be.

From the sourceforge.net webpage for tinn-R, I was not able to figure out how I can address the mailing list for tinn-R. I have now taken the easier option of posting this question to the r-help list. From a search on "R seek", I see that the "max.deparse..length" parameter is used in other contexts also. It could therfeore be of general interest for those following the r-help list.
Thanking you,

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