[R] Analysis of a highly pseudoreplicate mixed-effects experiment

Matthias Gralle matthias_gralle at eva.mpg.de
Mon Sep 14 13:43:48 CEST 2009

Hello everybody,

I have been trying for some weeks to state the correct design of my 
experiment as a GLM formula, and have not been able to find something 
appropriate in Pinheiro & Bates, so I am posting it here and hope 
somebody can help me.

In each experimental condition, described by
1) gene (10 levels, fixed, because of high interest to me)
2) species (2 levels, fixed, because of high interest)
3) day (2 levels, random)
4) replicate (2 levels per day, random),

I have several thousand data points consisting of two variables:

5) FITC (level of transfection of a cell)
6) APC (antibody binding to the cell)
Because of intrinsic and uncontrollable cell-to-cell variation, FITC 
varies quite uniformly over a wide range, and APC correlates rather well 
with FITC. In some cases, I pasted day and replicate together as day_repl.

My question is the following:

Is there any gene (in my set of 10 genes) where the species makes a 
difference in the relation between FITC and APC ? If yes, in what gene 
does species have an effect ? And what is the effect of the species 
difference ?

My attempts are the following:
1. Fit the data points of each experimental condition to a linear 
equation APC=Intercept+Slope*FITC and analyse the slopes :
This analysis shows clear differences between the genes, but no effect 
of species and no interaction gene:species.

The linear fit to the cells is reasonably good, but of course does not 
represent the data set completely, so I wanted to incorporate the 
complete data set.

2a. lmer(APC~FITC*species*gene+(1|day)+(1|repl))
This gives extremely significant values for any interaction and variable 
because there are >200 000 df. Of course, it cannot be true, because the 
cells are not really independent. I have done many variations of the 
above, e.g.
2b. lmer(APC~FITC*species*gene+(1|day)+(1+FITC|day_repl)),
but they all suffer from the excess of df.

3. lmer(APC~species*gene+(1|day/repl/FITC) gives several warning 
messages like this one:
In repl:day :
numerical expression has 275591 elements: only the first used

4. lmer(APC~gene*species+(1|day_repl) + (1+gene:species|FITC)) ran 
several days, but failed to converge...

Can somebody give me any hint, or do you think the only possible 
analysis is a simplification as in my model 1 ?

By the way, I am using R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) on Ubuntu 8.04 on a 
linux 2.6.24-24-generic kernel on different Intel systems. I am using 
the lme4 that came with R 2.8.0.

Thank you very much for your time!

-- Matthias Gralle, PhD
Dept. Evolutionary Genetics
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig, Germany
Tel +49 341 3550 519
Fax +49 341 3550 555

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